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Ramapo College Finance Professor Murray Sabrin says he’s running for U.S. Senate


Ramapo College Finance Professor Murray Sabri says he’s running for U.S. Senate

“Yes, I’m in,” Ramapo College Finance Professor Murray Sabrin declared today in an email blast to supporters.

Sabrin said he wants to fight for the GOP nomination to face incumbent U.S. Senator Cory Booker in the 2014 general election.

“Corey (sic) Booker is a celebrity politician,” wrote Sabrin, 67, of Fort Lee. “A master of the sound bite and the slogan.  But behind it all are more of the failed policies of a government too big to get out of our way.
”I’m Murray Sabrin, and I’m running for the United States Senate to begin a serious, mature discussion about America’s future. An honest discussion about the role of government and the free market in achieving the individual goals of every American. For thirty years, I have been writing and teaching about the dangers of government intrusion into our lives.  I’ve become known as New Jersey’s foremost defender of economic freedom and individual liberty.”

Sabrin last ran for the U.S. Senate in 2008, an unsuccessful bid that found him finishing third in the Republican Primary behind former U.S. Rep. Dick Zimmer and state Sen. Joe Pennacchio. (Pizarro/PolitickerNJ)

Sabrin says he’s running for U.S. Senate | Politicker NJ