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Replacing Cubbies, $250 250$per linear feet plus 13.5% fee

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by Saurabh Dani

Ridgewood NJ, LAN associates estimate for replacing cubbies like the one in this image in elementary school classrooms is 250$per linear feet plus 13.5% in their fee to design and oversee the work.

Question: Can the schools be creative in this and allocate this 250$ per linear feet as budget and allow the class teacher and HSA to pick the furniture for their classrooms instead of letting the architect do it?

EDIT: not just for cost savings, but also for creativity.

What’s the downside?

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It is Essential to have the Ridgewood School Budget Vote

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Photos and Post courtesy of Steve Kim

Ridgewood NJ, according to Steve Kim on the Facebook page It Takes a Ridgewood Village, “These are the details of a long-dated Ridgewood BOE Bond: 2035 maturity/2027 call

Continue reading It is Essential to have the Ridgewood School Budget Vote
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Reader say I like the idea of a referendum on the Ridgewood teachers contract

REA Members come out to greet our Board of Ed

I like the idea of a referendum on the teachers contract, so long as it’s binding. We had great teachers and administrators who built up the reputation of Ridgewood schools. The current bunch? Meh. They seem to care more about their health benefits than our kids. If you witnessed their behavior this past school year you’d agree they’ve done nothing to carry on the “tradition of excellence”. More like “riding on the coat-tails of the reputation built by the predecessors.” They are trying to bully us with the backing of NJEA lawyers and lobbyists. We need to support our BOE and students, if only they elicited the same grassroots support that the we’ve seen opposing the most recent garage proposal and Valley!