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Reader Warns of The Coming Ridgewood Restaurant Jobs Apocalypse

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Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood’s restaurants, the only draw left in the CBD with the digital-led demise of retail are about to be washed over by the same thing that is drowning NYC restaurants.

Now with the money losing garage ($1m/year) on the way bringing higher parking fees for diners and eaters alike, the village and the Dems they elected will not just kill the goose that laid the golden egg, there will be no one left to cook or serve it.

“December 2018 restaurant jobs were down by almost 3,000 (and by 1.64%) from the previous December,” wrote economist Mark Perry, “and the 2.5% annual decline in March 2018 was the worst annual decline since the sharp collapse in restaurant jobs following 9/11 in 2001.”

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