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Ridgewood School Home School Day 16 ,Due to COVID 19


April 13, 2020


Dear Ridgewood School Community,

I hope you had a restful break. I was able to tackle many of the house projects that I have been peddling these past few weeks. My kids may not agree that the food and laundry responsibilities were a good swap for the hard labor of spreading 8 yards of mulch. A neighbor walked by and commented that it looks like “Fishbein Landscaping” is back in business.

On a serious note, while I do not have any inside information, it appears that we will continue with remote learning for some time. When the school closures were first announced, most people did not expect this situation to last for an extended period. We may hear some news from the Governor later this week. Moving forward, I will only send a weekly update; however, any important announcements or information will be shared immediately.

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Ridgewood School Home School Day 15 ,Due to COVID 19

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April 3, 2020

Dear Ridgewood School Community,

Over the past three weeks, I have received dozens of emails from parents and videos from schools about all of the great experiences our students have been having. Remote learning is undoubtedly different from our regular school day and full activity schedule, and this has demonstrated the significance of our schools and our Village to who we are as a community. I could not start the break without thanking our teachers, administrators, support staff, and custodial/maintenance workers for adapting to these circumstances and performing their roles with dedication and professionalism.

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Ridgewood School Home School Day 9 ,Due to COVID 19


March 26, 2020

Dear Ridgewood School Community,

We are starting to receive calls and emails concerning RPS families and employees with positive COVID-19 results. From what I hear, these individuals started having symptoms after school was closed. When someone tests positive for the virus, the appropriate public health department is notified and follows up with the individual. These investigations are private, and only the public health department determines who must be contacted. How individuals release personal health information is their decision. COVID-19 is an illness, and there is no shame in being diagnosed. If you are diagnosed and need help, we are here for you and so are your neighbors. People can shop for you and your family and leave packages at your door.

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Ridgewood School Home School Day 5 ,Due to COVID 19

the breakfast club

March 20, 2020

Dear Ridgewood School Community,

Right out of the gate–dinner plans for tonight! If you typically shave, this is the day to do it. Get out of the sweats and into regular clothes. Comb your hair…no bun or Alfalfa hair (aging myself). For those who feel comfortable, order out. For those who don’t, cook a family favorite. Nothing like a fancy dinner (and I mean clothes and no sweats) to make people feel a little normal.

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Ridgewood School Home School Day 3 ,Due to COVID 19

"Our Gang" aka The Little Rascals"

March 18, 2020

Dear Ridgewood School Community,

I want to thank parents and caregivers for partnering with us to continue educating our students. We fully recognize the heavy lift we are asking of you and appreciate your assistance and input on how we can do things better. In the days and weeks to come, news about the spread of COVID-19 will likely intensify due to increased testing. However, by practicing social distancing and following preventive measures, we can flatten the curve of coronavirus. Our actions now will contribute to our recovery later.

Continue reading Ridgewood School Home School Day 3 ,Due to COVID 19