April 13, 2020
Dear Ridgewood School Community,
I hope you had a restful break. I was able to tackle many of the house projects that I have been peddling these past few weeks. My kids may not agree that the food and laundry responsibilities were a good swap for the hard labor of spreading 8 yards of mulch. A neighbor walked by and commented that it looks like “Fishbein Landscaping” is back in business.
On a serious note, while I do not have any inside information, it appears that we will continue with remote learning for some time. When the school closures were first announced, most people did not expect this situation to last for an extended period. We may hear some news from the Governor later this week. Moving forward, I will only send a weekly update; however, any important announcements or information will be shared immediately.
Continue reading Ridgewood School Home School Day 16 ,Due to COVID 19