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Ridgewood School Home School Day 16 ,Due to COVID 19


April 13, 2020


Dear Ridgewood School Community,

I hope you had a restful break. I was able to tackle many of the house projects that I have been peddling these past few weeks. My kids may not agree that the food and laundry responsibilities were a good swap for the hard labor of spreading 8 yards of mulch. A neighbor walked by and commented that it looks like “Fishbein Landscaping” is back in business.

On a serious note, while I do not have any inside information, it appears that we will continue with remote learning for some time. When the school closures were first announced, most people did not expect this situation to last for an extended period. We may hear some news from the Governor later this week. Moving forward, I will only send a weekly update; however, any important announcements or information will be shared immediately.

Stay Positive; Keep Learning:

Following are some helpful tips.

  • Set and stick to a routine. Get up at a regular time, except on the weekend. Plan your day to include exercise, work, and play.
  • Be creative. Paint, build, knit, sew, or put together a puzzle. Do something you always wanted to do.

  • Set screen time limitations: work, entertainment, and news. Give yourself downtime from the screen, especially an hour before bedtime.

  • Get outside and be active. While our parks are closed, we are fortunate to live in a pedestrian municipality. Hopefully, one of the example exercise routines has stuck. Wouldn’t it be great if we were all in better physical health when this is over?

  • Reach out and talk. It is hard to be grateful without feeling a bit selfish when we are surrounded by grief. But we do still have much to be grateful for, and it is important to find creative ways to maintain relationships, support those who are struggling, and honor those who have helped us during this time.



While we can’t get out and host a traditional fundraiser, we can still help our community. Below are links to help during this time of crisis.

Stringing Together Ridgewood 

  • Some RHS students have come up with an idea for a fundraiser that can be done entirely remotely. They are selling friendship bracelets to raise money to be donated to Valley Hospital to help with COVID-19 relief. Please see the link below.

ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION: The Annual School and Municipal Election will be held on Tuesday, May 12. All registered voters will be receiving vote-by-mail ballots, and there will be no polling places in the May 12, 2020 elections. For more information, click here to visit the website of the Bergen County Clerk’s Office. You can still register to vote if you have not already done so. Information can be found here.

CENSUS 2020: I heard Glen Rock is ahead of us on census response. Come on Ridgewood! Don’t forget to send your redacted “receipt” to your principal or just let your principal know it is complete.  Let’s see which school has the highest percentage of completed questionnaires.  If you have multiple children in a school, each one counts. If you have children in multiple schools, send the receipt to each principal.

Contest results as of 4.13.2020 (The contest is open until the Census 2020 closes.)

  • 1st – Ridge
  • 2nd – Somerville
  • 3rd – BF and Willard
  • 4th – GW
  • 5th – RHS
  • 6th – Orchard
  • 7th – Travell
  • 8th – Hawes



  • Quiddler


Other things you can do:

  •  Keep moving!  Indoor cardio, push-ups, and abs. Exercise every day; remember Hershal Walker!
  • Ridgewood High School – New Players Company: During the week of April 13th, the following link to the Thursday Cast A Show performance of New Players in Concert will be available. Yes, these are RHS students! Be sure to check it out!

  • Ridgewood High School – School Newspaper Enjoy!

  • Movie/TV Fix For the Week – Academy Award Winning: Hacksaw Ridge – WWII movie about a conscientious objector who’s heroic acts demonstrate faith and courage

  • Book Club Book 4 -The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Read in our English 10H.  Here is a link to some discussion questions:

    • If you have read all three book suggestions so far… email me and let me know. They are The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, Radium Girls, and The Kite Runner.

  • Book Club Book 4 – The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot read in our English 10H.  Here is a link to some discussion questions:

  • Bake/Cook: Homemade pie. The easy way.

  • Home Project: Curbside yard waste and bulk debris pick-up start this week. Get rid of all the rubbish from your projects. Getting it to the curb is going to be a project. Just remember why you had kids…free labor!

  • Remember the Ridgewood Public Library has online resources.

  • Call someone. They will appreciate it. If you can make a video call, that’s even better for face-to-face connection.

  • REMINDER: 27 Days – This is for dads and students only. Moms, look away! Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 10th. If you are like me, you purchase gifts for your wife at the last minute because she sees every credit card transaction. Online banking! So, strategize now about how to pull Mother’s Day off without a florist, restaurant, or last-minute shopping trip. You do not want to mess this up when you have no place to escape! NOT TIME TO PANIC YET!

  • Email your principal or teachers!  They would love to hear from you!

  • Start a journal.  Keep track of what you’re doing during this crazy time in history!  It will become a first-person historical source someday.

  • #07450together Campaign to inspire and uplift our community by Ridgewood Walks.

    • Ridgewood Rocks Each week, starting Sunday, April 12th, colorfully painted rocks with inspirational messages will be hidden throughout the Village. Take time to walk through the central business district and neighboring streets to find them. We ask that you do not touch the rocks, but instead take photos of them and post on your favorite social media platforms with the hashtag #07540together.
    • Thankful Tuesday Every Tuesday at 7 pm, go outside and make some noise for our frontline warriors! Bang, clap, and cheer for the doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, grocery store employees, postal workers, educators, emergency service personnel and all the other fearless helpers that are keeping us safe, fed and informed.
    • Feeding the Frontlines One way Ridgewood thanks our healthcare workers, first responders and those in need, is by donating to our local restaurants who are preparing two meals a day for various organizations, which are then delivered by local volunteers. Mayor Hache, the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce, Health Barn Foundation 501(c)(3), Ridgewood Walks, and many resident volunteers are working around the clock to fulfill this mission. Please consider assisting our neighbors as they bear the weight of this crisis. Donation information is listed above.
    • Where to Eat? Where to Shop? Check our Facebook page for a list of active local eateries and businesses. The list is live and updated regularly, with your help. We love paying tribute to our local businesses and often feature their friendly faces on our Facebook and Instagram pages—follow us! If you would like a printable pdf of the list or if you would like to add a business, please email us at


I wish you good health!


Daniel Fishbein, Ed.D
Superintendent of Schools

2 thoughts on “Ridgewood School Home School Day 16 ,Due to COVID 19

  1. can u format this going fwd

    btw Vets is not closed…..walking path is open

  2. Yes, Vets has been open the whole time…

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