Continue reading Please sign the petition to implement the adopted Ridgewood Schedler Park plan
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, visit the Schedler Park website for more information, to join our cause and download petition.
To Our Community:
Please sign the petition to implement the adopted Schedler Park plan.
At a recent meeting, the new Village Council moved to replace the Schedler Park plan (approved by Resolution 18-236), adding a full-sized regulation turf field. The approved plan, now in jeopardy, balanced the needs of the impacted neighborhood, sports groups, conservationists, historians, and taxpayers and included a 75×50 multi-use field. With required oversight from the State of NJ Historic Preservation, the plan was moving forward with expected completion by late spring 2023.
WHAT WOULD BE THE IMPACT OF THIS DRASTIC CHANGE? Ridgewood’s Historic Schedler Property is unique and unlike any other Village Parcel. This historical Revolutionary War site is a full ecosystem of wildlife and vegetation (protected, state-threatened and endangered). Additionally, located along Route 17 North (a major transportation corridor), the tree/green-filled parcel filters out light, noise, visual, airborne particulates, gaseous pollutants, and air toxins emitted by diesel trucks and cars.