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RHS Jamboree Rehearsals are in Full Swing for Viva Las Vegas, Jamboree 2025!

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Photo Credit: Zigi Putnins Photography

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, RHS Jamboree rehearsals are in full swing for Viva Las Vegas, Jamboree 2025! Here is a glimpse of all the backstage work that goes into putting on a show with a cast of 200! And this is just the tip of the iceberg! (But we ARE having SO much fun…) .

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Three Mahwah High School Seniors Awarded Scholarships From the Mahwah Republican Club

Republican Scholarships scaled

Photo courtesy of Mahwah Republican Club

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, the Mahwah Republican Club recognized three winners of a scholarship program offered by the Club at a recent meeting.  The students are graduating seniors at Mahwah High School.  (L. to R.) Elizabeth Mastrangelo, who will be attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute, was awarded $500; Meghana Sankar received $750 and will be attending Northeastern University; and Brandon Dinice, who will be attending Bowling Green University, was awarded $250.  Shown with the students are Mahwah Republican Club President Frank Pallotta (L.) and Robert Lockwood, a club trustee who created the scholarship program.  The students submitted 1,000-word essays addressing the theme “In today’s divided political landscape, how may fidelity to our founding principles, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, bridge our divisions and promote greater national unity and harmony?”  Each year the Club hosts a beefsteak dinner to raise money to fund the scholarships.  The Mahwah Republican Club is a group of township residents who share a mutual love of America and a strong belief in the Founding principles of our nation.

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