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Hugin and Menendez Campaigns Blast Each Other in Dueling Press Releases

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photo of Judge Brett Kavanaugh

July 12,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood Blog

New Brunswick  NJ, The Menendez for Senate Campaign today released the following statement from Campaign Chairman Michael Soliman ,and once again demonstrating how out of touch ,and anti business New Jersey Democrats are :

“Greedy drug company CEO Bob Hugin’s fundraising is simply taking cash out of the ATM.  Clearly there is no real support for a candidate who has gotten wealthy by ripping off cancer patients.  The Hugin campaign is 96% paid for with blood money he pocketed from ripping off cancer patients.  Every time you see another Hugin ad, ask yourself how many cancer patients went hungry, lost their homes, or worse because they couldn’t afford the lifesaving drug greedy CEO Bob Hugin ransomed to make his fortune.”

Soliman’s statement shows why so many jobs have fled New Jersey. So called “Greedy”, Drug companies like Celgene  help and treat far more people and save far more lives and created far more jobs than any New Jersey Democrat has .

Meanwhile U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin made the following statement after Judge Brett Kavanaugh was announced as the nominee to be the next Justice on the United States Supreme Court.

“Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a highly qualified individual and I look forward to the Senate’s comprehensive review of his record and qualifications. As with any important decision, especially one involving a nominee to the Supreme Court, I would reserve judgement until I had all the relevant facts and done my own research. It’s disappointing to see career politicians like Bob Menendez denounce nominees before they’ve even been named or gone through the rigorous confirmation process.”

Calling Menendez’s  attacks on Kavanaugh  ,” a desperate move”.

Ina statement the Hugin campaign said, “career politician Sen. Bob Menendez resorted to fear-mongering and doomsday predictions yesterday about the Supreme Court nominee before his name was even announced. Sen. Menendez’s dereliction of his constitutional duty to thoroughly examine and participate in the rigorous confirmation process of Supreme Court nominees before they’ve even started is just another example of why he’s unfit for office.

The people of New Jersey deserve a Senator who will be thoughtful and make decisions based on the facts, not jump to conclusions for partisan political reasons. Sen. Menendez should take notice of his colleagues, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Joe Donnelly (D-IN), who refused to make outrageous statements like Sen. Menendez and instead committed to fulfilling their constitutional duty to vet and examine the nominee.


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D.C.’s talking impeachment but the real drama is in Jersey with Sen. Menendez

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file photo by Boyd Loving

Updated on June 13, 2017 at 1:36 PMPosted on June 13, 2017


Columnist, The Star-Ledger

My liberal friends have worked themselves into a fever anticipating the impeachment of President Trump.

They think they’ve got a second Watergate going.

Have your fun while you can. But the next trial likely to affect the political lineup won’t be happening before the U.S. Senate in Washington.

It will be happening before the U.S. District Court in Newark.

In the dock will be U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez, faced with 22 counts of ethics charges alleging he took illegal gifts from a Florida Miami eye doctor who was recently convicted on 67 counts of Medicare fraud.

If convicted, the 63-year-old senator would almost certainly be booted from the chamber. In that case, the Republicans might be able to add a seat to their slim, 52-vote majority.

Or maybe not. It’s a matter of timing – some of the most intriguing timing I’ve seen in politics.

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Sen. Menendez Enters Third Year Facing Criminal Charges. Does Anyone Care?

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file photo by Boyd Loving

It doesn’t seem so as trial looms.

By Steven Nelson, Staff Writer | March 31, 2017, at 5:15 p.m.

Sen. Bob Menendez may call a federal prison home if prosecutors prove he accepted bribes to do favors for a wealthy businessman.

But you wouldn’t know that if you tuned in to Bloomberg TV last week to watch the New Jersey Democrat discuss a Securities and Exchange Commission nomination.

The reporter didn’t mention the case.

And there was nothing remarkable about the omission. Menendez regularly appears on cable news programs without viewers being told he faces felony corruption charges.

CNN’s Jake Tapper didn’t mention the prosecution during a 10-minute interview on March 13 that focused on health care policy. Nor did MSNBC’s Katy Tur in a March 3 interview about investigation of Russian actions during the 2016 presidential election.

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Sen. Menendez Comes Out Against Iran Deal

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file photo by Boyd Loving 

Will vote no

BY: Adam Kredo
August 18, 2015 12:59 pm

Sen. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) came out against the recently inked Iran deal on Tuesday and said he would vote to reject it, dealing a major blow to the White House, which has been aggressively lobbying key Democrats to support the accord.

“I have looked into my own soul and my devotion to principle may once again lead me to an unpopular course, but if Iran is to acquire a nuclear bomb, it will not have my name on it,” Menendez said in a major address Tuesday afternoon, according to an advance copy of the text obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

“It is for these reasons that I will vote to disapprove the agreement and, if called upon, would vote to override a veto,” Menendez said.

Menendez joins a growing list of Democratic lawmakers expressing opposition to the deal. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) also has come out against the deal.

The senator, who has led the charge to impose harsh economic sanctions on Iran, said the deal would do little to rein in Iran’s nuclear weapons program and went on to lash out at President Barack Obama’s portrayal of the deal.

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Salomon Melgen, Sen. Menendez’s friend, indicted in Medicare fraud scheme


This Jan. 31, 2010, image released by Miami Dade College shows Dr. Salomon Melgen, posing for a photo at the book signing of “Growing American Roots”, a book by Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., at the college in Miami.

New federal charges of Medicare fraud involving tens of millions of dollars were filed late Tuesday against Salomon Melgen, the Florida eye specialist who was indicted earlier this month with U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez for allegedly bribing the senator in exchange for help with financial and personal matters, including a Medicare billing dispute.

The new charges, contained in a 76-count indictment handed up in Florida, accuse Melgen of falsely diagnosing patients with a potentially blinding eye disease and then fraudulently billing Medicare for doses of an expensive drug he did not buy, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Southern Florida.

Between January 2008 and December 2013, the release said, Melgen billed Medicare for more than $190 million and his company, Vitreo-Retinal Consultants of the Palm Beaches, was reimbursed more than $105 million. Prosecutors said that “a substantial portion of these reimbursed payments were allegedly obtained through fraudulent billing.”

“Patients fearing blindness sought treatment from Dr. Melgen’s office,” said Shimon Richmond, special agent in charge of the Miami office of the inspector general for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “Instead, they allegedly received medically unreasonable and unnecessary tests and procedures for which they and taxpayers paid millions of dollars.”

A call to the phone number listed for the attorney who represented Melgen at his April 2 arraignment in U.S. District Court in Newark was not answered Tuesday night. At the time, Melgen and Menendez pleaded not guilty to corruption charges, brought by a federal grand jury, that included bribery and conspiracy.

Reached late Tuesday, Tricia Enright, a spokeswoman for Menendez, said of Melgen’s new indictment: “The senator knows nothing about this. It has nothing to do with the senator’s case.”

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Sen. Menendez: One-sided deal rewards Cuba regime


big business opportunities for Cuban hookers ?

Sen. Menendez: One-sided deal rewards Cuba regime

Robert Menendez8:58 p.m. EST December 17, 2014

Alan Gross is home now. His five-year imprisonment for providing Internet access to Cuba’s small Jewish community was cruel, arbitrary and consistent with the behavior of the Cuban regime.

By releasing Mr. Gross in exchange for three convicted Cuban spies who conspired to commit espionage against our nation, this administration has wrongly rewarded a totalitarian regime and thrown the Cuban regime an economic lifeline.

Cuba is a repressive state, but it will now receive the support of the United States, the world’s greatest democracy.

For compromising on bedrock U.S. values, we received zero commitments from the regime to change its ways, to hold free elections, permit dissent, halt censorship and free all political prisoners. We abandoned U.S. policy, while the Castro brothers’ stranglehold on power just got tighter.

This swap sets an extremely dangerous precedent and invites dictatorial and rogue regimes to use Americans serving overseas as bargaining chips.

Most concerning is that the decision to open relations with Cuba fails to understand the nature of the Castro regime that has exerted its authoritarian control over the Cuban people for 55 years.