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Free Parking Coming to Ridgewood Every Thursday Between Thanksgiving and Christmas from 4 pm and 8 pm

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, attention Ridgewood Shoppers The Village Council recently approved Free Holiday Parking each Thursday between Thanksgiving and Christmas from 4 pm and 8 pm to promote visiting our downtown. According to the Village Manager Keith Kazmark,  this includes street parking, the Hudson Street garage and CBD parking lots. Let’s help support our local businesses this holiday season!

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The Ridgewood Guild’s Cash Mobs takes place Saturday November 19th to Support Local Business

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photo courtesy of the The Ridgewood Guild

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Guild’s Cash Mobs takes place next Saturday November 19.Come out and support 5 retail stores. Complimentary champagne breakfast, 5 chances to win a $25.00 gift card. Spend $10.00 in each of 5 stores. This is a fun filled event you won’t want to miss! Email me at for more information.

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Why It’s Important To Keep It Local


Have you ever heard the expression ‘the global is local’? It refers to the way in which processes of globalisation have effectively shrunk the world around us, breaking down the barriers between countries and allowing instantaneous communication across multiple continents at a time. This means that products can travel great distances over a short time, making exotic products arrive at our doorstep in a matter of days, available at the click of a button. 

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Pazzazed Ridgewood Shop local and benefit Social Service Association of Ridgewood and Vicinity this Monday

Pazzazed Ridgewood Shop local and benefit Social Service Association
December 10,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood bllog

Ridgewood NJ, Shop local and benefit Social Service Association of Ridgewood and Vicinity on Monday Dec 12th from 2 to 7 PM at Pazzazed Gift & Home in Ridgewood.

“Welcome to Pazzazed! We are a boutique style gift store focusing on made in the USA gifts and home decor. We carry a unique selection of handcrafted gifts from artisans around the country as well as beautiful home decor. We believe everyone can use a bit of inspiration everyday and carry many products with quotes and inspirational words”

Located one block from Whole Foods Market and next to Carlo’s Bakery. Public parking available at the following locations. Street parking is also available. On Saturday, the comuter train lot is open to the public!

Pazzazed Ridgewood
6 Wilsey Square, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
(201) 857.5004

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Readers Says We Should Put Down Our Phones and Enjoy the Village of Ridgewood

Village of Ridgewood

We need more than ever to put down our phones and Pokeman duties to take a walk up our commercial Zone and support our neighbors and their businesses for this event. These are real family businesses and some newer stores and services who voted with their bank accounts and invested in us.
We are all Ridgewood Citizens, so park the car far away,take a nice walk and enjoy a bargain new outfit accessory service offering or a meal ,,snack coffee , ice cream or fudge and bring the kids and a neighbor.lets show our commitment to supporting and buying local.