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Two-Vehicle Collision in Ridgewood Sends SUV Onto Front Lawn—No Injuries Reported

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood, NJ, A two-vehicle collision at the intersection of Linwood Avenue and North Pleasant Avenue in Ridgewood on Tuesday afternoon sent an Acura SUV skidding up onto the front lawn of a nearby home. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.

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Quick Response Contains Sunday Morning Fire in Glen Rock Home

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, early on Sunday morning, November 3, a fire broke out on the second floor of a single-family home on Andover Terrace in Glen Rock, originating in a clothes dryer. Fortunately, the blaze was contained quickly, limiting damage to the dryer itself and the immediate surrounding area.

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Smoke Fills Basement of Ridgewood Home Under Construction, Firefighters Respond

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on Wednesday afternoon, August 28th, the basement of a single-family home under construction on McKinley Place in Ridgewood filled with smoke shortly after PSE&G’s Electric Division energized the home’s electrical service.

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Tesla Crash Claims the Lives of an Ornamental Tree and Several Shrubs on Lincoln Avenue in Ridgewood

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photo Facebook courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a single vehicle late Friday afternoon, 06/07, crash at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Manor Road, Ridgewood destroyed a Tesla sedan and also claimed the lives of an ornamental tree and several shrubs. The adult male Tesla driver was uninjured in the mishap, which was allegedly caused when he swerved to avoid a slow moving vehicle that had cut in front of him. A flatbed tow truck removed the wreckage. Ridgewood Police and Ridgewood Fire/EMS responded to the incident.

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New Locks Touted By Ridgewood Fire Department Filled With Security Flaws

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photos courtesy of the Ridgewood Professional Firefighters FMBA Local 47

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on Tuesday, April 9th the Village of Ridgewood posted on their Facebook page regarding a progam for where the Fire Department will be distributing bright blue lockboxes to put on elderly resident’s doors.

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High Winds and Stormy Conditions Takes Down Several Trees in the Village of Ridgewood

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photos courtesy of the Village of Ridgewood

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, high winds took down several large trees and power lines in the Village of Ridgewood . A tree was downed  at Belmont and Hamilton .

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Car Jumps Curb in Central Business District in Ridgewood

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photos by Tim

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on January 26 some time around 8:00 am an elderly woman driver lost control of her car ,jumped a curb and hit a light pole on Chestnut Street in Ridgewood’s central business district. Ridgewood Police, Fire and Emergency Services as well as other Village employees rushed to the scene. We have no information as to the woman’s status . No pedestrians were hurt and the local cigar lounge remains fully intact .

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2 Vehicle Crash Sends an SUV Careening Through Ridgewood Homeowners Attached Garage and Into the Yard of an Adjacent Home

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, at approximately 3:45 PM today, Wednesday, 12/21 a 2 vehicle crash at the intersection of North Van Dien Avenue and Beverly Road, Ridgewood sends an SUV careening completely through attached garage of nearby single family home and into yard of adjacent home leaving 1/2 of garage totaled.

No injuries were reported The SUV involved in the crash was propelled completely through the attached garage of a nearby single family home, across the home’s driveway, through a fence, and into the driveway of a neighboring house. Both vehicles were towed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck. Damage to the attached garage was extensive. Ridgewood Police issued one (1) summons in connection with the incident. Ridgewood Fire Department and a Village of Ridgewood building inspector also responded to the scene.

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Helicopter Evac for Valley Hospital Patient in Ridgewood

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photos by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a Helicopter landed at Veterans Field in Ridgewood to pick up a patient from Valley and transport them to a hospital in Pennsylvania. It wasn’t as a result of a trauma or anything, apparently a heart patient who needed more care in Pennsylvania.

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An Individual with Fever, Cough, Breached a Point Temperature Screening Station at the Valley Medical Group’s 1200 East Ridgewood Avenue

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, if you were in 1200 East Ridgewood Avenue on Wednesday afternoon, 11/04, please be advised  : An individual with fever, cough, and difficulty breathing reportedly breached a ground level entry point temperature screening station at the Valley Medical Group’s 1200 East Ridgewood Avenue building, and made his/her way up to a 3rd floor physician’s office suite on Wednesday afternoon, 11/04. Police, fire, ambulance, and paramedics, outfitted in apropos personal protective equipment, were observed entering the building to aid the victim, who was seen being removed on a stretcher and loaded into a waiting ambulance. The Valley Medical Group’s Patient Relations office was notified of the apparent protocol breach by a patient of the affected physician’s office. #valleymedicalgroup
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Chain Reaction Crash on Route 17 Backs Up Traffic for Miles

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Three (3) ambulances were required to transport victims injured in a Saturday morning, 10/24, chain reaction crash on Route 17 southbound in Ridgewood. Ridgewood Police, Ridgewood Fire , Ridgewood EMS, Ridgewood Emergency Services, and ALS & BLS personnel from The Valley Hospital responded to aid victims of the incident. At least four (4) vehicles were involved in the mishap; two (2) were removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck. Traffic on Route 17 southbound was restricted to one (1) lane while emergency personnel worked. NJDOT crews cleared the highway of crash generated debris. The Ridgewood Police Patrol Supervisor summoned a member of the department’s Detective Bureau to the scene for an unknown reason.

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file photo by Boyd Loving
* tornado warnings 10am – 2pm
* rain impact is 1-3 inches of rain
* 30%-40% chance of flood impact between10am and 4pm
* winds in the mid-20 mph are enough to bring down trees
* expected wind gusts of up to 45-55 mph
* higher winds in northern NJ – peak winds 10am – 7pm
* storm quick moving – should be out of area by 9pm


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A Big Thank You to Health Care Workers and First Responders

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photos courtesy of the Ridgewood Public Schools Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  we pulled this off the Ridgewood Public Schools Facebook page ,If you got out for a walk today, you might have seen many homemade signs showing love and support for our health care workers and first responders! Looks like our students have been busy. Keep sending positive messages, and keep social distancing. We must all do our part to keep each other safe.  Health care workers and first responders are true heroes! Thank you for what you do every single day!

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Village of Ridgewood : Please reserve calls to 911 for emergencies only


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ , some very important reminders from the Village of Ridgewood :

Please reserve calls to 911 for emergencies only.  For other than emergencies, you may call the non-emergency number for the Ridgewood Police Department 201-652-3900.

If you do need to call 911 for any Emergency Services from the Police, Fire or Emergency Medical Services/Ambulance, in addition to providing your name, address and nature of the emergency.  PLEASE notify the dispatcher if ANYONE in your home has travelled from Europe or Asia recently or may have been exposed to COVID-19 or is exhibiting flu like symptoms.  This notification will lead our First Responders to taking the proper precautions, prior to arrival at your home.

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Ridgewood Police, Ridgewood Fire, and Ridgewood EMS, respond to Crash at Dayton ,Maple Intersection

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The impact of a Monday morning, 03/16, two (2) vehicle collision at the intersection of Dayton Street and South Maple Avenue, Ridgewood propelled a Jeep SUV into the front of a nearby office building. The drivers of both vehicles sustained non-life threatening crash related injuries. Ridgewood Police, Ridgewood Fire, and Ridgewood EMS, responded to the incident. A flatbed tow truck removed both vehicles from the scene. Damage to the office building appeared to have been cosmetic in nature only.

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