As an RHS student- these numbers are completely false. This survey was given on a volunteer-only basis, and to participate, your parent needed to sign a consent form. I didn’t take this survey, and I have never met a single student who did. I believe it was also administered in the RHS campus center with teachers all around. This year, the student editors of the RHS High Times gave their own version of the survey that had much more accurate results (these were only published in print and are not on the website). Every student in RHS and many teachers make fun of the social norms survey and the attempts by the school to push all of the drug/alcohol problems under the rug.
Tag: Social Norms Survey
Ridgewood High School Social Norms Survey Called “Questionable ” by Reader
As someone who conducts many surveys as part of my job in communications, a survey like this is questionable. To start with the people most likely to respond to a survey, take the time out to thoughtfully and honestly do so, are the ones most likely to report positive behaviors. I dont have data on it, but my experience says that those students who are engaging in the less than optimal behaviors arent going to wast their time on a survey or answering honestly. I didnt notice, did it say what % of students responded? Would have been interesting to have also had them gather additional data such as which Elementary school they went to (neighborhood data) and if possible average GPA. If this data was true, we wouldnt be seeing and hearing about it so much. Very concerning. I’d like to figure out how we can actively address this!
Ridgewood High School Social Norms Survey Most Students Not Abusing Drugs and Alcohol despite Preception that Everyone is doing it
84% of students say they do not go to parties where alcohol is served and 84% say their parents never let them drink alcohol.