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Superintendent of Schools Updates on Orchard School Soil Remediation Project Update

Orchard Elementary Soil Remediation Project

photo courtesy of the Ridgewood school District

Dear Ridgewood School Community,

I hope this letter finds you healthy and relaxed from what may be the most unusual summer of our lives. Many of you have walked by the Orchard School property to view the progress of the soil remediation project, and I would like to provide an update, as we are quickly approaching the start of the school year.

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Update on Orchard School Remediation

Orchard School

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, We have now received all the state, county, and local permits required to move forward with the soil remediation project at the Orchard School. The only reason for not moving forward earlier was the failed budget. The project was included in the 2020-2021 budget, but we were not permitted to send the purchase order for the project to the contractor until the budget was approved. We now have a budget and can move forward. I anticipate seeing progress on the project no later than July 1, 2020. The Orchard Remediation website has been updated to include all permits and pertinent documentation.

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Dr. Fishbein Provided an Update on the Soil Remediation Project at Orchard School

Orchard School


the staff of the Ridgewood bog

Ridgewood NJ, Dr. Fishbein provided an update on the soil remediation project. A letter was sent on February 7, 2020 to update the community on steps that have been taken since the last communication.  Dr. Fishbein shared that NJDEP signage has been installed in three locations on the Orchard property.  As a precautionary measure and to alleviate some concerns, additional mulch was installed on the playground.

Historic soil testing reports and other documentation was added to the dedicated page on the website. Dr. Fishbein has requested an earlier meeting date from the New Jersey Department of Health; however, at this time, he doesn’t have confirmation of the exact date and time of that public meeting. The district has consulted with an LSRP from LAN Associates, as well as a third recommended LSRP. The NJDEP deadline for completion of the remediation project is February 2021; however, the work must be done during the summer months.  Click here to view the presentation.