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Don’t Eat the Dirt : Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Detected at Orchard School ….in 2007

Orchard School

the staff of the Ridgewood

Ridgewood NJ, in September of 2007 the Ridgewood Blog broke the story that , “a letter from the BOE President and Interim Superintendent that discusses what they found in the Orchard School soil. It’s not good. They have scheduled a mtg tomorrow night at BF middle school for the public. Also, this morning they fenced off the entire Orchard School field. No one is allowed on it. They may be finally owning up to what I always thought was a tainted situation that no one wanted to deal with.”

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New Jersey Sierra Club : DEP Must Hold Public Hearing on Ringwood Superfund Settlement

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ringwood NJ, The New Jersey Sierra Club sent a letter to DEP Commissioner Catherine McCabe requesting a public hearing for the Consent Decree regarding cleanup of the Ford Superfund site in Ringwood. The letter also asked to extend the public comment period from 60 to 120 days. NJSC noted the complexity of the site and the public interest in the issues involved in making the requests. The EPA recently struck a $21 million settlement with the Ford Motor Company and Ringwood on a plan to cap hazardous materials on the site. (See NJSC letter to DEP attached)

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