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Why was a Suspected Muslim Brotherhood Spy Copied on the Benghazi ‘Smoking Gun’ E-mail?


Why was a Suspected Muslim Brotherhood Spy Copied on the Benghazi ‘Smoking Gun’ E-mail?
By Kevin Boyd 4 hours ago

The Obama Administration was recently caught red-handed trying to push false motives for the Benghazi terrorist attack of September 11th, 2012 – just months prior to that year’s presidential election.

Last month, Judicial Watch obtained a copy of a now- infamous e-mail sent by then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes to various top Obama Administration PR flacks.

The e-mail was part of a series of talking points for administration officials to use when talking about the Benghazi attack. In the email, it instructs Rice not to imply that (the attack) was not reflective of a “broader failure of policy.”

Another one of the key talking points Rice used on the Sunday talkshow circuit following her briefing was to blame the terrorist attack on a non-existent protest of a YouTube video that insulted Muhammad, the prophet of Islam.

Interestingly, one of the recipients of the e-mail to Rice was a Mehdi K. Alhassani. According to, Alhassani is an alleged Muslim Brotherhood spy. Alhassani is the Special Assistant to the Office of the Chief of Staff, National Security Council Staff, and the Executive Office of the President.

Alhassani was president of the Muslim Student Association which is analleged Muslim Brotherhood front organization.