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Arizona Offers Education Vouchers For Parents If Government Schools Close

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Phoenix, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has a strong message for the teacher unions in his state pushing for the shutdown of in-person learning in public schools: Don’t even think about it.

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Kids Belong in School or the School of their Choice

rhs 2020

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, seems politicians learned NOTHING from the first rounds of Covid. So now, with the holiday break over, and time to get kids back in the classroom, and after taxpayers shelled out about $190 billion in ransom payments to the teachers unions to get them to, you know, teach, 2,200 schools are closed today.  And guess what: they are almost all in blue states and blue cities.

Continue reading Kids Belong in School or the School of their Choice

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Time for School Choice : New Jersey Is the 10th Worst State for Racial Equality in Education

School Choice by ArtChick

photo by ArtChick

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, In his State of the Union remarks, President Donald Trump expressed his desire to expand school choice options for all American children.”No parent should be forced to send their child to a failing government school,” he said.

Continue reading Time for School Choice : New Jersey Is the 10th Worst State for Racial Equality in Education

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Reader says Ridgewood taxpayers got screwed when they defeated the $84.9 million school budget

Ridgewood Teachers

“Unfortunately in a Democracy, some suffer because of the decisions of the majority.” Not always true, in 2010 many of my neighbors and the majority voted No, and Ridgewood taxpayers got screwed when they defeated the $84.9 million school budget.
Votes: 2,639 NO,,, 2,537 Yes…It was rejected by the voters, but the council ONLY CUT a measly $100,000 from the $84.9 Million budget. You wonder why bother to vote on BOE budgets when your vote don’t count anyway. ?

See attached link,
Oh, let’s build a massive parking garage, build 4 or 5 oversized apartment buildings in town, build a water park for Graydon, build a performing arts theater, renovate the library, did I miss anything else?

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The 20 N.J. school districts most dependent on state funding


By Adam Clark | NJ Advance Media for
on February 28, 2017 at 7:15 AM, updated February 28, 2017 at 7:53 AM

TRENTON — When Gov. Chris Christie delivers his 2018 budget address on Tuesday, New Jersey school officials will be listening especially closely.

How Christie will address education funding is the biggest question about his final budget, leaving administrators bracing for the possibility of funding cuts.

There’s some concern Christie could follow through with the “Fairness Formula,” a plan he unveiled last summer to give every district $6,599 per student regardless of income or other needs. Though many education groups are convinced Christie won’t do that, they still don’t have high hopes for increases in school funding.

“I’m not expecting any good news in the budget,” said Richard Bozza, executive director of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators.