photo by ArtChick
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, In his State of the Union remarks, President Donald Trump expressed his desire to expand school choice options for all American children.”No parent should be forced to send their child to a failing government school,” he said.
With riots and social unrest plaguing much of US , it has be come all to clear of the abject failure of out public education system . May observers have noting the quality of education disparity between zip codes .
It is clearer now more than ever that disadvantaged parents need better option to education their children. Nationwide protests over racial inequality are sparking public discourse about government funding priorities, and predominantly non-white school districts receiving $23 billion less funding per year than predominantly white districts, WalletHub today released its report on the Best States for Racial Equality in Education.
Better an more efficient options are more school choice , giving parents control over their child’s education.
In order to determine which states have the most racial equality in education, WalletHub compared the 50 states across six key metrics. Our data compares the difference between white and black Americans in areas such as high school and college degrees, test scores and graduation rates. Below, you can see highlights from the report, along with a WalletHub Q&A.
Racial Equality in Education in New Jersey (1=Most Equality; 25=Avg.):
- 17th – Share of Adults with at Least a High School Degree
- 43rd – Share of Adults with at Least a Bachelor’s Degree
- 22nd – Standardized-Test Scores
- 34th – Mean SAT Score
- 46th – Average ACT Score
- 29th – Public High School Graduation Rate
To view the full report and your state’s rank, please visit:
Thanks the teachers union and local property taxes.
The state should fund all the schools, rather than local property taxes
That would insure lower taxes here in 07450, and would force teachers to do their jobs better.
The teachers union will fight this in order to protect under-performing teachers who are responsible for under-performing districts.
Tenure allows the dead wood to show up and collect a paycheck without any concern about being fired for imcompetence.
Red lining districts = institutional racism.
My good friend Saurabh Dani will fix everything. I’ve known him for years.
I think there is a simple solution here – remote learning. Any student can go to any school…either with a state voucher equal to their town’s cost per pupil. No need to overturn the ridiculous Abbot decision, the money will follow the students back to the good schools.
No more excuses for padding developer’s wallets with “low-income” housing either.
I think there is a simple solution here – remote learning. Any student can go to any school… with a state voucher equal to their town’s cost per pupil. No need to overturn the ridiculous Abbot decision, the money will follow the students back to the good schools.
No more excuses for padding developer’s wallets with “low-income” housing either.
NJ is consistently in the top 5 nationally for the overall quality of education. The per pupil spending in the poorer districts is much higher than the median. This while dealing with Bloated administrative overlay. Sorry what’s the solution? More money?
Are you all on crack? Schools are good when students from good families go there. Not the other way around. Good families are a domain of either religious ppl or upper middle class. Everyone else is either having kids out of wedlock or don’t prioritize education over everything else.
Go to Patterson and take a look at what ppl drive. Homies spend $$$ on luxury cars while ppl who live in Ridgewood invest in their kids education first.
There’s nothing the government can do. They can move kids from bad families to Ridgewood schools, which would result in good families moving out from here and village turning into an extension of Patterson.
No amount of funding would help either. You can shower Patterson schools with taxpayer gold, it won’t make any difference. Lib teachers would still teach BLM / LGBT crap to kids, but without parents explaining to students that it’s all horse shit and refocusing then on English and math. All will happen is that these kids grow up even more entitled than now, but with no practical skills to offer.
There’s no shortcut to solving the so called racial inequality, dear dumb ass, well meaning libs. Find something else to do other than robbing honest hard working middle class of their salaries on promise to solve racial injustice. No one believes you anymore, especially after recent riots. Least of all blacks and Hispanics.
theres a simple decision.
More black families need to prioritize education.
Anonymous June 25 has said a mouth full. Could have used different words but she has a good point . It begins at home. It always has.
Anonymous June 25 has said a mouth full. Could have used different words but she has a good point . It begins at home. It always has. Liberal politics are the decay of our schools.