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Carlstadt Mayor says The New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority Treats Surrounding Towns Less than second-class Citizens


OP-ED from Carlstadt Mayor Robert Zimmermann Regarding the NJSEA and American Dream

Carlstadt NJ, The days of cooperation and respect between Meadowlands Commission and the communities of the District ended with the law that consolidated the NJSEA and NJMC. The NJMC instituted programs and assisted the District municipalities with a wide range of assistance. There was a spirit of cooperation and dialogue. Of course, we sometimes disagreed, but we were allowed input.

That is not the case today. We are not even treated as second-class citizens. The conditions between the The New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority (NJSE) and municipalities have reverted to the early 1970s, with significant tension and us versus them attitude. No one in NJSEA leadership answers our calls or letters; previous agreements are treated as if they are non-existent. The NJSEA leaves each town to fend for itself. Not a good situation when you have a monolithic state agency that has significant land use control over your municipality and uses a firm grip on your ratables.

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