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Upper Saddle River Honors Resident with Meritorious Service Award

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Courtesy of USR Pictured from left to right: Captain Ed Kane, Chief Pat Rotella, Frances Andtbacka, Dr. Robert Andtbacka, Sophia Andtbacka, Mayor Arman Fardanesh

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ,the Upper Saddle River Police Department, Mayor Fardanesh, and Town Council had the pleasure of honoring USR resident, Dr. Robert Andtbacka with a Meritorious Service Award.

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Upper Saddle River Police Department are currently investigating two (2) home burglaries

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, the Upper Saddle River Police Department are currently investigating two (2) home burglaries that occurred on 12/26 and 12/30. The burglaries were committed between the late afternoon and early evening hours. Both homes were entered by force and unoccupied during the crimes. Residents are reminded to IMMEDIATELY report any and all suspicious activity. Call the Upper Saddle River Police  at 201-327-2700.

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The Upper Saddle River Police Department : Bergen County as a mecca for Car Burglaries and Car Thefts

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River  NJ, The Upper Saddle River Police Department will be joining the national #9pmroutine campaign. The Upper Saddle River Police Department prides themselves on proactive police work. Recent media articles portray Bergen County as a mecca for Car Burglaries and Car Thefts. Our beautiful Borough of Upper Saddle River is not immune to these crimes. As most of the residents know, recently the Upper Saddle River Police Department apprehended two individuals for the theft of one vehicle and Burglary to a multitude of other vehicles in the Borough. The one constant with the above crimes is: all the vehicles were unlocked. The Upper Saddle River Police Department will be utilizing social media, Twitter and Facebook, reminding residents to check doors and windows of their homes, close garage doors, remove all valuables from vehicles and keep vehicles locked when unattended at 9 P.M. every evening. We are a community, let’s work together to keep the Borough of Upper Saddle River safe.