Tobacco use on all NJ college campuses would be banned under bill to be considered today
TRENTON — Smoking would be banned on all New Jersey college campuses under a bill set for a committee hearing today.
The bill, sponsored by state Assemblywoman Celeste Riley (D-Cumberland), would prohibit lighting up on the grounds of any institution of higher education, public or private.
“The thought behind it is that we as a society should be promoting a healthy lifestyle. And our institutions of higher learning are where our kids go,” Riley said. “They’re in an environment where it is teaching them to be not only intellectually smart. But we should also teaching them to be healthy, vibrant citizens. I feel smoking goes completely against that. We should be promoting the healthy side of life.”
But the bill doesn’t stop at smoking. It would also ban the use of smokeless tobacco products on college campuses, such as chewing tobacco and dip.
Riley said she did not think the bill would ban electronic cigarettes. “That will be something we’re going to discuss,” she said.
New Jersey has banned smoking in college dorm rooms since 2005. According to the American Cancer Society, at least 17 New Jersey colleges banned smoking on campus as of January 2013. (Friedman/Star-Ledger)