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The Main Reasons for Car Accidents

Traffic incidents endanger the lives of many people every year. Driving has become an indispensable part of people’s lives, especially in recent years, and with so many people driving, it is important to know why traffic accidents happen and where there are risks. If you have been involved in a traffic accident, it is also highly recommended to work with a lawyer, as the post-accident process can be very distressing.

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7 Possible Reasons You Might Need Legal Assistance

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“Not me!”

Perhaps that’s what you exclaim whenever you read lawsuits in the newspapers. You subconsciously tend to associate legal proceedings with famous celebrities like Mariah Carey whose brother sued her for defamation when she released her tell-all memoir titled ‘The Meaning Of Mariah Carey’. Or perhaps with big businesses like Uber which was recently sued by one French man for allegedly ruining his marriage. 

The truth is, you’re not immune from such disputes. At one point or another in your life, you’ll certainly need legal help. Here are 7 common situations where you may require legal assistance:

Continue reading 7 Possible Reasons You Might Need Legal Assistance

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N.J. traffic fatalities soared in 2016 with 607 deaths

Vehicle Rollover Crash blocks Traffic on Ridgewood Washington Twp Boarder

file photo by Boyd Loving

By Susan K. Livio | NJ Advance Media for
on January 04, 2017 at 9:58 AM, updated January 04, 2017 at 11:58 AM

TRENTON — More than 600 people died in traffic accidents on New Jersey’s roadways last year, 8 percent more than in 2015 and the most deaths seen since 2011, according to preliminary State Police statistics.

After dropping to a 20-year low in 2013 when 542 people died in crashes and collisions, the fatalities have been steadily climbing, according to state police data released Tuesday.

In 2015, 562 died in vehicular accidents – six more than the previous year. But in 2016, 607 people, or 45 more, died in 2016.

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Icy Road Conditions lead to Traffic Accidents in Paramus

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook
Icy Road Conditions lead to Traffic Accidents in Paramus
February 16,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Paramus NJ, A father and his two (2) young sons escaped injury following a crash in which their Mercedes SUV slid off of northbound Pascack Road near Linwood Avenue in Paramus and became impaled on a utility guy wire. The vehicle was removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck. Paramus and Washington Township PD units responded to the incident, which occurred at 8:00 AM on Tuesday, 2/16.