Traffic incidents endanger the lives of many people every year. Driving has become an indispensable part of people’s lives, especially in recent years, and with so many people driving, it is important to know why traffic accidents happen and where there are risks. If you have been involved in a traffic accident, it is also highly recommended to work with a lawyer, as the post-accident process can be very distressing.
Tag: car accidents
Hiring A Car Accident Attorney: Is It Worth It?
According to Consumershield, over five million to over six million accidents happen in the US each year. As of July 2024, the National Safety Council has estimated 3,720 fatalities from car accidents, which is a decrease of 9% from 2023.
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Common Mistakes Drivers Make That Lead to Accidents
Car accidents can be devastating, resulting in serious injuries, property damage, and even death. While some are unavoidable, many of them are caused by driver error. Even experienced drivers can make mistakes that can lead to collisions, and unfortunately, the consequences can be severe. This blog post will explore some of the most common mistakes drivers make that can lead to accidents, as well as ways to avoid them.
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Bow Season For Deer Opens Saturday, October 29th
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Permit Bow Season opens Saturday, October 29, and if you have purchased your antlerless deer zone permit but haven’t yet purchased a buck permit for permit bow season, you have until 11:59 p.m. Saturday to do so. The buck permit will still be available with the initial purchase of an antlerless deer zone permit after the season opens.
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Important Things To Know About If You Ever Experience A Car Crash
Car accidents are a more common occurrence than most people think. In the United States, an accident happens every 10 seconds. The best way to stay calm and know what to do during and after an accident is to be prepared ahead of time. This article will give you some tips on how to stay safe in case of an accident. Continue reading Important Things To Know About If You Ever Experience A Car Crash
Car Accidents: Should You Get Legal Representation?
If you’ve been in a car accident, you may not know what the first steps to be taken are. After all, you’re primarily focused on recovering emotionally and physically, so navigating other aspects of the accident can often be put on the backburner.
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The Main Causes Of Car Accidents And How To Prevent Them
In some states, car accidents are common, and most car crashes are due to human error. You might be careful on the road and adhering to all road rules, but you are not the only one on the road. There are other drivers who can, and in most cases, cause an accident. You should never take any faults, especially if you know that the other party caused it. People make small mistakes while on the road, and it’s such mistakes that happen to endanger other drivers and passengers on the road. Below are some of the leading causes of car accidents and how to prevent them.
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Car Accidents Can Be A Really Big Problem If Not Handled Correctly
Car accidents are common. They can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time. Approximately a 2.5million people suffer serious injuries from car accidents annually. Car accident injuries also vary; you can escape unhurt, get some minor injuries, death and you can even become disabled. Additionally, car accidents can cause you huge financial budgets, emotional losses, and psychological torture.
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Examples of Personal Injuries You Need to Be Aware Of
Personal injuries can be extremely stressful and can also cost a lot of money. In addition to the potential injuries, pain and trauma, many victims of personal injuries end up paying a huge amount of money on medical costs and repairs to their car or other property. In order to minimize the impact of these costs, it is very important that you seek the full amount of compensation which you are eligible for so that you can move on with your life. It is always advisable to hire an experienced attorney who knows exactly how to prepare and present a case like yours. They will ensure your rights are protected, build your case with the available evidence, and argue your side in court.
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Situations That Might Require the Help of a Lawyer
Whether you like it or not, there will always be instances when you are going to need expert help. Legal issues, in particular, can be extremely complex for average people to navigate on their own. So, when you find yourself in doubt, it is always smart to reach out for help. However, you may think that some situations do not require hiring a lawyer, only to discover much later that you have bitten more than you can chew.
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Why You Need to Be Prepared for Car Accidents
In recent years, car accident rates have been steadily increasing, resulting in numerous health consequences and millions of dollars’ worth of losses to everyone involved. However, evidence also suggests that the number of accidents is starting to slowly shrink, especially with a large number of drivers respecting the roads and following safety measures promoted across the states.
However, with all these safety measures, the road is still a dangerous place to drive on. If you’re still not sure why expecting the worst-case scenario is imperative, here are a couple of reasons that would change your mind.
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Reader asserts “distracted driving” is caused by boredom from driving so slowly.
The 25 mph speed limit is more dangerous than 35mph.
The rate of travel is so slow that your mind wanders.
You are lulled by the slow rate of speed to think you are able to safely perform other tasks – like texting – you feel confident in your ability to perform these tasks due to the slow rate of travel.
A 35mph (or even 30mph) speed limit is inherently safer since it requires more concentration by the driver but is still well within the capabilities of virtually every driver (unlike say a 100mph speed limit which requires even more concentration, knowledge and reactions but is beyond the capabilities of many drivers).
The village wide 25mph edict is another wrong headed politically correct decision that has the reverse results of its intent – making our streets more dangerous rather than safer