I just took a walk to Twinney’s (Aug. 4, 10 a.m). I was shocked to see how much the POND is NARROWED due to plants taking over.
Are those the plants, the milkweed that the Ridgewood Conservancy planted? Those plants must be removed or pond will disappear very soon. I will be glad to help.
The pond wooded area is heaven sent. I was greeted by a beautiful large bird with partial orange colored wings over-head that landed in a nearby tree and later showed off its wings again flying overhead and landing in another nearby tree. There were two loud quacking ducks conversing in the now very narrowed pond. The pathway had shady trees and the narrowness of the pathway was super fun to walk on. Real naturey and wild.
But it is IMPOSSIBLE TO WALK TO WATER’s EDGE due to the over growth of that plant life (milk weed?) In past years since 1980 I could ALWAYS WALK TO Wa edge and see tadpoles. Now I couldn’t get there at all, even to see mud.
What’s up Conservancy?