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US Senate Candidate Jeff Bell will speak out on Washington’s Economic Dysfunction at Anti Harry Reid rally today

US Senate Candidate Jeff Bell will speak out on Washington’s Economic Dysfunction at Anti Harry Reid rally today

US Senate Candidate Jeff Bell asks what do Harry Reid and I have in common besides the fact that we’re old? Absolutely nothing. He’s made himself into dictator of the U.S. Senate in order to do President Obama’s bidding. Each and every conservative bill dies at the hands of Harry Reid because he won’t even allow a vote on any reform agenda.

That’s why I’m going to South Jersey on Monday to be the keynote speaker at a rally organized by the Tea Party Patriots in response to Harry Reid’s road trip there to raise money. If you’d like to join me, it will be 5 pm at 2023 W. Marlton Pike in Cherry Hill.

Harry Reid is coming to New Jersey today August  4th.  He will be here for a fund raiser for Donald Norcross (running for the recently vacated seat of Rob Andrews).  The fund raiser is being held at Café Lamberti, 2011 Rt. 70 W., Cherry Hill, NJ 08002, at 4 PM.

This is an interesting opportunity for people to draw attention to  to all the the Big Government dysfunction ,Failed Economic Policies and the corrupt nature of the current crowd in Washington, D.C.

Sadly, Donald Norcross would be just one more Reid acolyte that would bow to the will of the political machine instead of to the will of the people.

The event begins today Monday, August 4, 2014 ,4-7 PM (come when you are able, leave when you have to)

We will be meeting near the intersection of Rt. 70 East and S. Washington St.Parking on the side streets (S. Washington and Beideman) as well as on Grove St. by the Armory then walk up S. Washington

Wear comfortable shoes and a hat (there is very little shade).  Bring your signs and water – it is supposed to be warm. You may bring a chair if you choose to sit.

The Senate can be taken back from Harry Reid once and for all this year. Here in New Jersey, my race is incredibly close — I’m trailing by just 7 points according to a new New York Times poll.
