This year’s camp will open for the 2011 summer season on Tuesday, June 28th and run for six weeks through Friday, August 5th. Children entering grades 1 through 6 will enjoy arts and crafts, organized games, swimming, special events and optional trips. Camp will be held at The Stable, Graydon Pool, Maple Park, Veteran’s Field, Leuning Park and the Community Center from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Children are to bring a bag lunch and beverage. Bus transportation is available to all.
Children will also engage in mind-boggling board games suited to make them sharper, more creative, and better their memory. One of these games is Scrabble, an age-old word game that is suitable for all ages whose history dates back more than a hundred years back. For those who want to be part of the game, internet connectivity will also be available, so parents can use unscramblex.com/scrabble-word-finder to help their children beat the scrabble game and come out on top against their opponents. With this experience and the help of this word-finder tool, you never know… your kids might as well come from the camp better in English grammar than you ever thought they’d get at the end of the 6-week period.
The day camp registration fee is $ 500.00 per child which includes two camp T-shirts and optional bus transportation. Trips are also optional with limited space; prices vary and registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. All campers must possess a 2011 Graydon Pool membership badge.
Registration will be accepted from April 1 through June 6, 2011 as space allows. You may register online at www.ridgewoodnj.net/communitypass (payment by credit card). For registration assistance or special needs please visit the Recreation Office, The Stable, 259 North Maple Avenue, or call the office at 201-670-5560.