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Ridgewood Dad and Daughter Team up on Camping Trip Zombie Apocalypse Book

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photos courtesy of Dana Glazer

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village of Ridgewood resident Dana Glazer and his daughter Georgia have collaborated to create a book tailored for middle schoolers, titled “Dawnah & the Darkhearts.” The zombie adventure follows a 12-year-old girl who becomes humanity’s “last hope.” The inspiration for the story emerged during a trip to Cape Cod, evolving from an initial movie script named “Dawn and the Dead.” To avoid confusion with an existing TV show, they decided to spell the protagonist’s name uniquely, leading to “Dawnah & the Darkhearts.” Dana, a filmmaker, scriptwriter, and professor, shares his daughter’s love for all things spooky. The self-published book, launched in time for Halloween, explores Dawnah’s journey, her struggles connecting with others, and her encounters during a camping trip on the Appalachian Trail. This isn’t Georgia’s first venture into writing; she authored “No Pizza! No Cake!” at the age of 6, a story addressing the monotony of pizza and cake at birthday parties. The book was eventually published when she turned 10.

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AMC’s “The Walking Dead” Spinoff “Isle of the Dead” Begins Shooting in New Jersey


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Holmdel NJ, if you are  traveling near Route 35 in Holmdel on Thursday you may have spotted a zombie or two. In this heat it’s not surprising but no need to be alarmed its not the beginning of the zombie apocalypse , only a crew filming the latest spinoff of AMC’s “The Walking Dead.”

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Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Warns of a  Heightened Threat Environment Across the United States

DHS new flag

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC,  Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas issued a National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the continued heightened threat environment across the United States. This is the sixth NTAS Bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) since January 2021 and it replaces the current Bulletin that was set to expire at 2:00 PM ET today.

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2021’s Best Cities for Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, how could you survive a zombie apocalypse? The CDC weighed in on the subject, albeit tongue-in-zombie-cheek.  But in the (unlikely?) event of a zombie uprising, where do the living have the best chance of defending themselves?

Inspired by the CDC’s Zombie Preparedness 101 guide, Lawn Love dug in the data graveyard to rank 2021’s Best Cities for Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse. We compared the 200 biggest U.S. cities on 23 key indicators of zombie-preparedness — from the share of the population in good physical health to the share of available homes with basements to hunting-gear access. Check out the 10 best (and 10 worst) cities for fighting against the undead below, followed by some highlights and lowlights from our report.
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Proposed Law in New Jersey Would Keep the Walking Dead From Driving


The “walking dead” are aiming higher—and in New Jersey, it appears they have been driving.

But on Thursday, reports, the state’s Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee released a bill to put an end to the behavior.

This legislative move follows a state audit in March that revealed the Motor Vehicle Commission had issued official documents, such as licenses, to more than 300 people who were already deceased. The proposed law would require that the Commission cross-check their records with the Social Security Administration databases to avoid issuing significant legal documents to anyone no longer alive.  (Zorthian/TIME)

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Christie, Obama trade jabs as details of N.J. Ebola quarantine plan emerge


Christie, Obama trade jabs as details of N.J. Ebola quarantine plan emerge

As Governor Christie and President Obama sparred Wednesday over mandatory quarantines for travelers exposed to Ebola patients, a draft of the state’s strategy to deal with the virus outlined how it would enforce those quarantines, transport people to hospitals and treat children of parents who may have to be isolated. (Jackson/The Bergen Record)

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CDC admits droplets from a sneeze could spread Ebola


CDC admits droplets from a sneeze could spread Ebola
By Bob Fredericks
October 29, 2014 | 4:48am

Ebola is a lot easier to catch than health officials have admitted — and can be contracted by contact with a doorknob contaminated by a sneeze from an infected person an hour or more before, experts told The Post Tuesday.

“If you are sniffling and sneezing, you produce microorganisms that can get on stuff in a room. If people touch them, they could be” infected, said Dr. Meryl Nass, of the Institute for Public Accuracy in Washington, DC.

Nass pointed to a poster the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly released on its Web site saying the deadly virus can be spread through “droplets.”

“Droplet spread happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person enter the eyes, nose or mouth of another person,” the poster states.

Nass slammed the contradiction.

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Rep. Garrett: Feds’ Resistance to Quarantines ‘Unbelievable’


Rep. Scott Garrett in Ridgewood at Irene Habernickel Family Park

Rep. Garrett: Feds’ Resistance to Quarantines ‘Unbelievable’

Tuesday, 28 Oct 2014 07:01 PM

According to CBS poll, conducted Oct. 23-27, 80 percent of Americans support mandatory quarantines for U.S. citizens and legal residents arriving from West Africa. Just 17 percent said they believe those without symptoms should be allowed to move freely.

The federal government’s resistance to quarantining people who have returned to the United States after being in contact with Ebola patients is “unbelievable,” says Rep. Scott Garrett, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.

“It’s all just amazing and unbelievable. Talk to anybody, to a proverbial man on the street, and they will say that it’s as simple as talking to a child. If you have somebody outside of your house that’s a threat to you, what do you do? You lock the front door,” Garrett, a New Jersey Republican, said Tuesday on “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV.

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Meanwhile, as Gov. Christie tries to protect New Jerseyans from Ebola…


Meanwhile, as Gov. Christie tries to protect New Jerseyans from Ebola…

Ebola Czar: “Overpopulation” is #1 Concern

Oct. 26 Disease, National, National Security no comments

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

And I suppose Ebola is the result of global warming?

I’m losing my patience with these morons, Save Jerseyans! While Gov. Chris Christie is trying to keep us all alive, we’re learning that Obama-appointed Ebola Czar Ron Klain has different priorities (from 2008):

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N.J.’s designated Ebola hospitals gain little in short term


N.J.’s designated Ebola hospitals gain little in short term

OCTOBER 25, 2014, 11:36 PM    LAST UPDATED: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2014, 11:42 PM

Medical centers strive to be the region’s cancer expert, leading pediatric institution or renowned cardiac center.

But the state’s Ebola hospital?

Last week, Governor Christie designated Hackensack University Medical Center and two other New Jersey hospitals as the primary treatment centers for potential cases in New Jersey, a move to calm an increasingly anxious public after a few false alarms in the state and a confirmed case in New York City.

The hospitals, which include Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick and University Hospital in Newark, volunteered for the mission, state officials said.

The designation has the potential of burnishing the reputations of the three institutions, earning them medical accolades and research grants. But it also could create fear among other patients who might not want to be in the same facility as Ebola patients and result in declining traffic in emergency rooms and elective surgeries, experts say. And if there is a misstep with an Ebola patient, the hospital might not recover.

“In the short run, some people are going to think twice while the hysteria is still running,” said Donald Malafronte, a longtime New Jersey health consultant and president of the non-profit Urban Health Institute.

“But that hysteria will abate, and it will leave three hospitals with reputations for highly specialized infectious disease treatment,” Malafronte said. “When Ebola is a distant memory, the reputation of those three hospitals is enhanced.”

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UTA grad isolated at New Jersey hospital as part of Ebola quarantine


UTA grad isolated at New Jersey hospital as part of Ebola quarantine
Special Contributor
Published: 25 October 2014 12:00 PM
Updated: 25 October 2014 08:56 PM

(Editor’s note: Kaci Hickox, a nurse with degrees from the University of Texas at Arlington and the Johns Hopkins University, has been caring for Ebola patients while on assignment with Doctors Without Borders in Sierra Leone. Upon her return to the U.S. on Friday, she was placed in quarantine at a New Jersey hospital. She has tested negative in a preliminary test for Ebola, but the hospital says she will remain under mandatory quarantine for 21 days and will be monitored by public health officials. Dr. Seema Yasmin, a Dallas Morning News staff writer, worked with Hickox as a disease detective with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With Yasmin’s help, Hickox wrote this first-person piece exclusively for the News.)

I am a nurse who has just returned to the U.S. after working with Doctors Without Borders in Sierra Leone – an Ebola-affected country. I have been quarantined in New Jersey. This is not a situation I would wish on anyone, and I am scared for those who will follow me.

I am scared about how health care workers will be treated at airports when they declare that they have been fighting Ebola in West Africa. I am scared that, like me, they will arrive and see a frenzy of disorganization, fear and, most frightening, quarantine.

I arrived at the Newark Liberty International Airport around 1 p.m. on Friday, after a grueling two-day journey from Sierra Leone. I walked up to the immigration official at the airport and was greeted with a big smile and a “hello.”

I told him that I have traveled from Sierra Leone and he replied, a little less enthusiastically: “No problem. They are probably going to ask you a few questions.”

He put on gloves and a mask and called someone. Then he escorted me to the quarantine office a few yards away. I was told to sit down. Everyone that came out of the offices was hurrying from room to room in white protective coveralls, gloves, masks, and a disposable face shield.

One after another, people asked me questions. Some introduced themselves, some didn’t. One man who must have been an immigration officer because he was wearing a weapon belt that I could see protruding from his white coveralls barked questions at me as if I was a criminal.

Two other officials asked about my work in Sierra Leone. One of them was from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They scribbled notes in the margins of their form, a form that appeared to be inadequate for the many details they are collecting.

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Passenger at Newark airport taken to hospital for Ebola evaluation


Passenger at Newark airport taken to hospital for Ebola evaluation

OCTOBER 21, 2014, 8:30 PM    LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2014, 11:32 PM

As the Obama administration announced steps to tighten screening of travelers from Ebola-ravaged West Africa, an airline passenger who landed in Newark on Tuesday afternoon after spending time in Liberia was brought to University Hospital for evaluation for possible symptoms and exposure to the disease.

“During the enhanced screening process for individuals arriving to the United States from Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, an individual was identified as reporting symptoms or having a potential exposure to Ebola,” a spokeswoman for the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday night.

The passenger arrived at Newark Liberty International Airport on a flight from Liberia via Brussels at 12:55 p.m.

The Liberian national, who was held briefly in the customs area at Terminal C and separated from other travelers on the flight, was singled out for screening by agents because of his recent travel to Liberia, and he was found to have a fever, NBC 4 New York reported.

The passenger was taken by ambulance to the hospital in Newark for further evaluation. If officials decide they need to test the passenger for Ebola, the results could take some time.

As for the other travelers, “CDC or state/local public health officials will contact other passengers on the aircraft should it be determined that there was any risk to the other passengers of exposure to communicable disease,” Carol Crawford, the CDC spokeswoman, said in a statement.

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Apocalypse Now: Preppers Are Gearing Up for Ebola


Apocalypse Now: Preppers Are Gearing Up for Ebola

Prepping goes mainstream

It’s showtime for the Doomsday set. As the lethal virus crosses America’s doorstep, prep kits and gas masks are flying off shelves and fringe survivalists are going mainstream.

Jason Charles knows the exact moment he will lead his wife and five kids out of their Harlem home, pile into a car, and take off for the wilderness. It will be not long after Ebola reaches the population of New York City, hospitals overflow, and looting begins—when the first riots break out on the streets of Manhattan.

“Right now it isn’t bad, but if the first case happens in New York, you start hearing about hundreds or thousands of people getting sick and it shotguns through the city, then you want to start getting your plan together to leave,” says the 37-year-old fireman and dedicated prepper. When that happens, he says, “it’s a free fall, that’s the system breaking down.”

But the moment of evacuation is delicate. Skipping work, pulling the kids out of school—all of these decisions have lasting consequences. “If you leave too early, you look like an idiot; if you leave too late, you could be dead,” Charles says.

Nationally, the number of Americans concerned that Ebola will shoot through the population is skyrocketing. According to a Wednesday poll by the Harvard School of Public Health, 52 percent of Americans surveyed said they believe the country will experience a large outbreak in the coming year, while 38 percent said they believed they or a family member would be infected. To be sure, there have been just three cases diagnosed in the U.S.

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Ebola is ‘disaster of our generation’ says aid agency


Ebola is ‘disaster of our generation’ says aid agency

London (AFP) – Aid agency Oxfam on Saturday said Ebola could become the “definitive humanitarian disaster of our generation”, as US President Barack Obama urged against “hysteria” in the face of the growing crisis.

Oxfam, which works in the two worst-hit countries — Liberia and Sierra Leone — called for more troops, funding and medical staff to be sent to tackle the west African epicentre of the epidemic.

Chief executive Mark Goldring warned that the world was “in the eye of a storm”.

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Experts Offer Steps for Avoiding Public Hysteria, a Different Contagious Threat


Experts Offer Steps for Avoiding Public Hysteria, a Different Contagious Threat

By BENEDICT CAREYOCT. 15, 2014As health officials scramble to explain how two nurses in Dallas became infected with Ebola, psychologists are increasingly concerned about another kind of contagion, whose symptoms range from heightened anxiety to avoidance of public places to full-blown hysteria.

So far, emergency rooms have not been overwhelmed with people afraid that they have caught the Ebola virus, and no one is hiding in the basement and hoarding food. But there is little doubt that the events of the past week have left the public increasingly worried, particularly the admission by Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that the initial response to the first Ebola case diagnosed in the United States was inadequate.

On Wednesday, the C.D.C. offered up the latest piece of bad news, announcing that a second infected nurse in Dallas had flown back from Cleveland a day before developing symptoms. Even before the announcement, two-thirds of the respondents to a Washington Post-ABC News poll said they were concerned about a widespread epidemic of Ebola in this country.