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UPDATE: No Mention of Trustees Ethics Violation at Ridgewood Board of Education Meeting


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, at Monday nights Ridgewood Board of Education meeting , the ethics complaint on former Ridgewood Board member Jim Morgan’s was read into the minutes. Interesting that current Board member Sheila Brogan who appealed the ethic complaint against her and her appeal was denied was not also read into the record . Over the years the Ridgewood blog has commented on Ms. Brogan’s “teflan”  record.


In 2022 , the state’s School Ethics Commission is recommending censure for a current and former Ridgewood Board of Education members over actions stemming from a 2020 election dispute.

NJ School Ethics Commission cited former Vice President James Morgan and current trustee Sheila Brogan in separate decisions Feb. 25 for failure to follow board procedures about what can be said about legal matters in public.  (  )

The complaints were filed by Laurie Weber, a founder of the “Keep Our Vote” movement, which fought against moving the village’s spring school elections to November.

Ms. Brogan’s appeal was denied on June 21 ,2023 by a Superior Court of New Jersey , the question now remains is why is she still on the Ridgewood Board of Education and how is that possible?


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29 thoughts on “UPDATE: No Mention of Trustees Ethics Violation at Ridgewood Board of Education Meeting

  1. Yes! Why did Lembo keep silent on this ?

    1. because Brogan and the Teachers Union , tells him what to do

      1. I have no earthly clue why S Brogan continues to stay on the Board.

        1. Power hungry.


          Wants to destroy the school system.

  2. Sheila should have been long gone

  3. Sure. We don’t care about ethics violations, because we are


  4. Both Lembo and Brogan are supported by the teachers union.

    The amount of tax payer money Brogan has spent on these appeas to clear her ethics violation, is insane!

  5. Just goes to show you how corrupt the Village actually is. Pretty Sad actually!

    1. We also have a mayor that gave a $47k mortgage with 10% interest, allegedly, but according to notarized documentation to his friends, the Chair of Ridgewood’s Parks, Rec and Conservation Board and his wife, Gail Price, Partner of the firm representing the giant LED billboard who applied for an application in Ridgewood on Route 17 in the historic zone (right near Paramus church and next to Kumon school). How do you like them bad apples.

  6. How much has been spent on her stupid appeal so far? Taxpayer $$$

  7. Lembo thé Lame-o does not want y to o ruffle feathers. He did not even want to read Morgan’s last night.

  8. Teachers union is full of nepotism themselves. They don’t care about Lembos nepotism.


  10. VOTE DANI!

  11. Someone should OPRA the legal costs associated with L. Bender Weber’s ethics complaints against BOE members since 2016.

  12. Which candidates are not in the pocket of the teachers union?

    1. Saurabh DANI

      1. I will never vote for Danny.

        1. just an another Ridgewood “progressive” bigot

        2. trying to blame Dani for Shelia Brogans scam?

  13. The village is so divided.

  14. NONE of the BOE are in the “pocket” of the teachers union. That is beyond false and simply gross to state in such an uninformed way. PLEASE ask the REA their opinion on the BOE. If you recall, there was once an REA and friends rally in support of Dr. Fishbein, who was pestered and micromanaged by the board until he no longer wanted to be here.

    Sheila has served faithfully, knowledgeably and professionally for years. This town owes her a tremendous amount of gratitude for her time, energy and best intentions for our students, teachers and programs. Any alleged ethics violation must have been an error.

    1. Do you have any proof that he was micromanaged? May be there were some underlying problems with his work which made him leave?
      Why was the rally against only two non white members? If the other three board members were supporting Dr Fishbein, he could have just ignored the two.

      1. the town bigots are after Dani and Kwak

        1. look for crosses to burnt on peoples lawn

    2. There are some current board members that are 100% REA puppets.

    3. Great comment about Trustee Brogan! She is was is great about Ridgewood!

  15. sheila is the the teachers union’s teachers pet

  16. Lembo is to chicken to say anything

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