Pamela Geller: A Response to My Critics—This Is a War
Pamela Geller @PamelaGeller
7:37 AM ET
Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and publisher of PamelaGeller.com.
Some are saying I provoked this attack. But to kowtow to violent intimidation will only encourage more of it.
Sunday in Garland, Texas, a police officer was wounded in a battle that is part of a longstanding war: the war against the freedom of speech. Some people are blaming me for the Garland shooting — so I want to address that here.
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The shooting happened at my American Freedom Defense Initiative Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest, when two Islamic jihadists armed with rifles and explosives drove up to the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland and attempted to gain entry to our event, which was just ending. We were aware of the risk and spent thousands of dollars on security — and it paid off. The jihadis at our free speech event were not able to achieve their objective of replicating the massacre at the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine last January — and to go it one better in carnage. They were not able to kill anyone. We provided enormous security, in concert with the superb Garland police department. The men who took the aspiring killers down may have saved hundreds of lives.
And make no mistake: If it weren’t for the free-speech conference, these jihadis would have struck somewhere else — a place where there was less security, like the Lindt cafe in Australia or the Hyper Cacher Kosher supermarket in Paris.
What she did was ok. Ask the Catholic League about free speech and art. When someone created “Mary in Dung” The Catholic League complained. It was a insult to the religion.
The Catholic League was within their rights to complain and protest. That is how it works in America. You cannot impose Islamic Law on Americans.
Don’t forget “Piss Christ”
but this is America… where speech (even provocative speech) is protected.
…of course as long as it is the “correct type” of speech…..
She is a self promoter who did it to provoke a reaction… have a draw a draw a jewish stereotype contest and see what happens… the only religious people apparently who have to grin and bear it are white christians…
who cares if she is a self promoter… self promoters don’t need to have their speech restricted
the liberal mantra “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
… unless of course liberals don’t agree with what you say.
Free speech? Free speech has been curtailed by political correctness… saying something racially offensive or denigrating a certain few religions provokes a fury from hard core progressives… the exceptions are white heterosexual christians… they need to be “sensitive” of others…. Geller just did it to mint more money for herself…
Which promulgates another stereotype… nose job included…