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Paterson Man found in woman’s car in Wyckoff said Allah sent him


JUNE 3, 2015, 6:59 PM    LAST UPDATED: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 2015, 7:05 PM

WYCKOFF — Police arrested a Paterson man Tuesday night after he was found lying in a car that wasn’t his in the parking lot of the Wyckoff YMCA on Wyckoff Avenue.

Paterson resident Zakiy I. Muhammad, 20, allegedly climbed into the car sometime after it was left there by a 68-year-old woman going on a tour-bus daytrip, Police Chief Benjamin C. Fox said in a statement. When the bus returned from the trip and dropped the woman off, she “found a man lying inside with the seat reclined.”

She yelled at him to get out, but Muhammad allegedly replied that “God told him to be here,” Fox said. The bus driver and others came to the woman’s aid, and the bus driver managed to get the man out of the car and into the bus, where they waited for the police.

Sgt. Michael Ragucci, Sgt. Thomas Tully and Officers Kevin Pinches and William Christopher responded at 11:04 p.m.

9 thoughts on “Paterson Man found in woman’s car in Wyckoff said Allah sent him

  1. What…The…Blazes…?

  2. Was the dude drunk? Is this criminal tresspass?

  3. Any pic of the perp?

  4. I also understand this woman left her car unlocked, she should be grateful God did not tell him to steal it.

  5. Allah at the wyckoff y….terrorist setting up camp in midland park… What’s next? It’s time to make a stand…

  6. Did he actually say “G*d told me to be here” or did he say instead “Allah told me to be here”? If the former, one would think he was drunk or mentally challenged. If the latter, whoo dogie–that is threatening language in Wyckoff, New Jersey!

  7. Allah is the name of the only God in Islam. Allah is a pre-Islamic name coming from the compound Arabic word Al-ilah which means the God, which is derived from al (the) ilah (deity). The Arabic name for “God” is the word “Al-ilah.” It is a generic title for whatever god was considered the highest god.

  8. Allah works in mysterious ways…..

  9. hey u never know.

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