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Pence Tells House GOP to Get Ready for Sweeping Legislation

Pence and  Trump

November 17, 2016 — 10:22 AM ESTUpdated on November 17, 2016 — 3:03 PM EST

Vice President-elect Mike Pence told House Republicans in a closed-door meeting Thursday to be ready to move a lot of legislation next year.

“We’re going to move an agenda” focused on rebuilding the military and improving the economy, Pence told reporters after the meeting.

In his remarks to House Republicans, Pence talked about how he and the new administration wanted members to “buckle up,” and get ready for a speedy start on policy. He also solicited suggestions for candidates to fill administration posts.

“Donald Trump is a man of action and we’re counting on you,” Pence said, according to Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady. The Texas Republican said that Pence mentioned a tax overhaul and Obamacare, but didn’t get into specifics.

Pence, a former House member himself, returned to the U.S. Capitol Thursday to visit with House Republicans. He also met with top Democratic leaders in the House and Senate.

One thought on “Pence Tells House GOP to Get Ready for Sweeping Legislation

  1. Geezuz…they’re going to blow it.

    The idea should be to make sure you win the mid-term elections…don’t screw it up like Gingrich did 1996.

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