TRENTON — Leaning back in a leathery chair in his statehouse office, Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) says it was his father who first taught him how to embrace personal and political differences between people. “He always taught me to be happy for someone when they do well, don’t begrudge somebody because they got something that you wanted,” the 55-year-old Democrat says. Now in his sixth year as leader of the legislature’s upper chamber — and 13th since arriving in Trenton a little-known iron worker from South Jersey — Sweeney has carried that philosophy with him, working to apply it in his dealings with ideologically dissimilar parties on issues crucial to the state. His job, as he plainly puts it, is “not to be an obstructionist.” It is, rather, to “bring people together.” (Brush/PolitickerNJ)
If what he says is true, he does not fit the mold of the modern progressive political actor and will eventually be trod underfoot by people who today say they are his friends. On the other hand, if every syllable of what he says is his political philosophy is an untrue smokescreen (i.e., a lie) meant to hide what he really believes, or what he would eventually do if he had a “clear shot”, well then–he has mastered the art of taqiyya and will go far. Today’s political environment is like the movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”, the only question being whether the people we might expect to fight until the end, the Donald Sutherland characters if you will, to whom this gentleman appears similar, are actually still fighting, or have already been “snatched”, much to our mortification.
This guy is thug number 1. His buddies Vinnie Prieto and Paulie Sarlo (aka Senator Sanzari) are close behind. Their ONLY solution is raising taxes. They never question why we pay more than other state in state and property taxes already to fuel the blackhole of excessive union labor costs and regulations, state roads that cost 12X per mile more than the national average, inflated pension and health care benefits, etc… Case in point is right here again today https://www.newsworks.org/index.php/homepage-feature/item/81289-sweeney-to-try-again-for-millionaires-tax-as-pension-issue-divides-christie-dems?linktype=hp_impact This guy is nothing more than a thug straight from the iron workers union. He doesn’t care about NJ families and the middle class. He cares about getting more and more for his union hack friends from everybody else. Pure greed.
pocketliner in chief… him, Sarlo and Prieto, they’re made mob men
Why do I have this feeling that he knows where bodies are buried?