Power Play: John Boehner Announces Abuse of Power Lawsuit Against Obama’s Executive Orders
IIn a closed-door meeting with House Republicans today, Speaker John Boehner announced plans to file an abuse of power lawsuit against President Obama. The plaintiff in the lawsuit would be the House of Representatives, not Boehner personally.
Republican House members have been seeking ways to restrain Obama’s use of executive orders, according to Boehner spokesman Michael Steel:
“The president has a clear record of ignoring the American people’s elected representatives and exceeding his constitutional authority, which has dangerous implications for both our system of government and our economy,” Steel said.
“The House has passed legislation to address this, but it has gone nowhere in the Democratic-controlled Senate, so we are examining other options.”
The President announced in January that “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” and he wasn’t afraid to use them.
Since then, his executive actions have been a favored way to pursue policy changes without having to go through that pesky legislative branch. He has made unilateral changes to the ObamaCare law, halted deportations, and issued other orders regarding pay rates for federal contractors and environmental issues.
The lawsuit would need to be approved by a group of House leaders and isexpected to be filed in the next few weeks.
Not surprisingly, Nancy Pelosi decries the suit as “subterfuge” designed to “give some aura of activity.” Of course she does…
How about a law suit against the house for not doing there job in any way ?
The house has done its job by passing many bills. It is the democrat controlled senate that does not do its job.
Majority of bills were 51 times to kill the ACA and each and every time it has failed.
sorry you are 100% wrong need to get better informed about what goes on in DC
Republicans have fought against Obama’s uber liberal policies that have failed the economy and diminished America’s standing in the world.
Even Moderate Democrats I know that voted for Obama twice now admit his policies are a failure.
How can you complain that the Republicans in Congress did not support Obama.
They were smart enough to realize it was the wrong direction for the economy and foreign relations.
Obama and the Democrats have so far wasted 6 years of our lives.
If they stopped their destructive path today it would still take 6-8 years to reverse the damage they have done and to get this country on the right path.
Community Organizer President = Lost Generation.
What a shame.
As James says, you are wrong jjj. By the way, why did the bills to kill Obamacare “fail” did Reid even allow the Senate to vote on those bills? No, he did not. Democrats are afraid to cross Obama and are afraid of continuing to directly support Obamacare (i.e., the ironically named Affordable Care Act) by having to vote to keep it alive. So Reid protects them by not allowing the bills passed by the house to even be voted on in the Senate. If the law is so good, why don’t democrats want to publicly support it on the record?
The Democrats and their supporting main stream media have very effectively used the tactic of blaming Congress for “doing nothing”. It seems to me that the average person doesn’t truly understand what Congress is and what it does. There’s this idea that Congress, by doing nothing, is somehow preventing peoples lives from getting better. Congress is not some widget maker whereby the faster they work, the better things get. They are legistlators. Laws are already in place. Why would this Congress change laws that this President wants? This is the most left-leaning President in modern history, and that’s why we have a lack of consensus. Presidents Clinton and Bush had no problem at all working with an opposing Congress. It’s the hallmark of an effective President. This guy has his vision of a new America and I hate to break it to him but a lot of us don’t agree with it.