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Presidential Transition Team Economic Advisor Peter Navarro, The November jobs report showing a decline in the labor force participation rate further demonstrates an urgent need for President-elect Trump’s America First economic plan”

Pence and  Trump

December 2,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, “The November jobs report showing a decline in the labor force participation rate further demonstrates an urgent need for President-elect Trump’s America First economic plan. We have not seen levels this low since 1978. The 4,000 manufacturing jobs that disappeared last month come on top of the over 300,000 that have been lost under President Obama.

Even before taking office, President-elect Trump has proven that protecting and creating jobs will be among his highest priorities as president. His determination to save 1,000 Carrier manufacturing jobs in Indiana announced this week is just a preview of his agenda of prosperity for all. Furthermore, the cabinet picks of Steve Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary and Wilbur Ross for the Department of Commerce signal a seismic and transformative shift in trade policy – one that works for American workers and domestic manufacturers, not for the multinational corporations shipping jobs offshore.”

One thought on “Presidential Transition Team Economic Advisor Peter Navarro, The November jobs report showing a decline in the labor force participation rate further demonstrates an urgent need for President-elect Trump’s America First economic plan”

  1. But The Record disingenuously runs a big font headline in todays paper about the “plunge” in unemployment.
    (in the body of the article they note the decline in the labor force participation).

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