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Prince Dykes awards $40k in stocks and books to children through Wesley Learns book club drive

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Wesley Learns Book Club is the only literacy program driven to incentivize children in becoming first-time shareholders of stocks
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Waynesboro GA, Global Children’s Financial Literacy Foundation (GCFL) Co-Founders and Navy veterans, Prince Dykes and Chadrick Davis, launch a kid’s book club that awards $30,000 worth of stocks and books. GCFL Co-founders newest initiative drive focusing on the emergence of practical financial habits beginning in the earlier childhood stage. Based on a children’s financial literacy book series Wesley Learns, inspired by Prince Dykes to teach his son Wesley; the book club program emboldens kids to read financial books that will help develop and strengthen their investment acumen. It requires participants to read three (3) books: Wesley Learns about Credit, Wesley Learns to Invest, and Wesley Learns about Insurance. Upon completion of the program, participants are awarded the opportunity to receive stock options.

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This non-profit organization continuously strives toward imparting education and actively advocates solutions for children’s financial literacy. “We believe everyone should invest into children at the youngest age possible to benefit the most from the magic of compound interest, ” words rendered by GCFL Founder, Prince Dykes. Dykes continues emphasizing its charter that “children are the future of this world, and they need to be exposed to investing, credit and insurance as soon as possible.”
GCFL earmarks disparity among military and disenfranchised communities by providing a book club that aids the economic gaps and skyrocketing inflation in the U.S. The Founders recognize the plethora of underserved communities that lack the knowledge and tools for investing. Dykes and Davis employed tangible products to lessen disproportion in financial education and economics. Wesley Learn’s program is available across the U.S.
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GCFLF regularly attends financial literacy conferences, workshops, and seminars designed to teach children the importance of saving, budgeting, credit, and investing. They collaborate with community stakeholders, such as schools, parents, local businesses, and youth organizations, to help bring a dramatic improvement in the grassroots across America.
Thanking the organizations supporting the cause, he added, “We will also like to thank our sponsors, Mawer Investment Management Ltd of Canada who donated 10,000 Canadian dollars to the book drive, Executive Leadership Council (ELC) of Washington, D.C granted $10,000 to the GCFLF, Sam Austin (Partner, NEPC) who donated $10,000 worth of stocks to GCFLF, app who matched donations up to $10,000 and multiple individual donors around the world.”
If interested in donating or learning more about the program, contact GCFL Care Team with the information provided below.

About  Prince Dykes : Prince Dykes is a recently retired Navy Chief, Author, Podcaster, Investment Advisor and President of the Global Children Financial Literacy Foundation. Dykes has the mission of every kindergartener to have a funded investment account and financial literacy to pay for college. He is also the author of three children’s financial literacy books, Wesley Learns to Invest, Wesley Learns About Credit, and Wesley Learns about Insurance, Starring NFL Hall of Famer Terrell Davis.

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6 thoughts on “Prince Dykes awards $40k in stocks and books to children through Wesley Learns book club drive

  1. This is awesome

  2. The children of our future have all the right to know all there is to know about finance at and early age. Thanks Prince for taking the time to educate our future.Keep up the great work,this is what put a smile on god face.GodSpeed Dr.Franklin J Marshall Founder of Force Of 1

  3. This seems like a great program.
    Is there a similar program for white kids?

  4. Yes, it’s called parenting.

    1. So are you saying that blacks can’t or won’t parent?
      Please elaborate.

  5. Prince does it again!

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