By Ted Sherman | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com
on August 04, 2016 at 8:15 AM, updated August 04, 2016 at 11:58 AM
POINT PLEASANT BEACH — Last month, Seaside Heights — still trying to repair a reputation colored by the antics of the cast of ‘Jersey Shore’ on MTV — moved to ban loud music on its beach.
Officials called it part of a continuing effort to reinforce their appeal as a family friendly place.
In Wildwood, elected officials have threatened greater enforcement effortstargeting noisy parties and underage drinking they say has gotten out of hand.
And don’t speed or park illegally in Point Pleasant Beach. You will almost certainly get ticketed.
The Jersey Shore — the real one, not the reality TV version — is an economic engine for the state, bringing in visitors, business and millions of tourism dollars every summer. But several communities say they are getting fed up with some of the bad behavior that often comes with the perception of being party towns, and are taking steps to change that image.
“We’re not targeting that ‘Jersey Shore’ crowd anymore,” said Christopher Vaz, borough administrator of Seaside Heights, where the likes of Snooki and JWowwand a cast of characters — in a summer house well-stocked with hair gel, suntan oil and alcohol — once brought no small amount of national and oft-times embarrassing publicity to the small Ocean County beach town.
“This is not a fist-pumping atmosphere anymore,” Vaz said