Raymond’s in Ridgewood, Montclair to pay $345K in back wages
March 30, 2015 Last updated: Monday, March 30, 2015, 2:50 PM
A Ridgewood restaurant chain and its owners must pay $325,534 in back wages to 160 workers for overtime and minimum wage violations, the U.S. Department of Labor said Monday.
Raymond’s Ridgewood LLC did not pay members of its kitchen staff for overtime and failed to pay tipped workers the proper wage rate, an investigation by the department’s Northern New Jersey Wage and Hour District Office found.
Employees at two locations were affected. At Raymond’s in Ridgewood, 84 employees are due $100,048 in back wages, said the department. This includes overtime back wages to its kitchen staff and tipped employees. The employer also failed to pay tipped workers in Ridgewood the proper wage rate from the beginning of their employment, the department said. At Raymond’s in Montclair, 76 workers are due $225,486 in overtime back wages, the agency said.
The restaurant chain agreed to make the payments, which are in the process of being paid, according to Department of Labor spokeswoman Leni Uddyback-Fortson. The back wages cover employee compensations from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2014.
Raymond Badach and Joanne Ricci, owners of the restaurant chain, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
good it’s the law. know pay up.
Thank you for sharing the active North Media link — many readers here might not be Face Book posters and would easily miss the story.
It’s a shame that such employees are exploited like that.
It’s not like the place is a bargain. $10 for a BLT. Glad they are being made to pay their employees properly
Classic…..these people were more concerned with lining their pockets
Then doing right by there own employees!
Never set foot in the place again.
They also should have been fined!
Yes, I am crossing this one off my list – many other places to go to
Those laws are pretty complex, especially for tipped staff. This is about $2k per employee that they owe. It is unclear whether they were actually trying to cheat the employees or not.
Sure, whenever anyone is cheated it is unclear if the cheater were trying to cheat you. Especially if it is a big business.
I will never step foot in Raymond’s again. Now is that clear enough.
That place is overrated anyway. Limited yet expensive menu, and they are ripping their own people off? I don’t need a bunch of disgruntled kitchen staff doing mean things to my food. There are better placed to eat in Ridgewood. Montclair can keep their fake be bop diner.
Hey Brian….your joking right?
It pathetically obivious that you have never operated/owned/ run a business. No business and I mean no legit business has an extra 325k in the oprating account and not know that OT and minimums were not met. When quarterlys were run with the accountant you think these people did not know EXACTLY what they were doing?? Please.
fuck them pay up. that place is a rip off.