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Reader asks how can newcomers make Ridgewood great again?

Ridgewood _4thofJuly_theridgewoodblog

” I’ve observed a series of these Ridgewood-trashing posts on this blog. Poorly written, without any details aside from occasional reference to “gargantuan garage” or “getting overwhelmed with affordable housing.”
I’m the afore-mentioned transplant from NYC, although I consider myself a conservative by today’s standards. What’s your message to me exactly? To vote down village exco? To sell my house and move to greener pastures… in Dallas? What exactly are you offering? Where is the link to community events where the Reader gets off his ass and shares with newcomers how to make Ridgewood great again? Where I come from we take leadership and leave complaining to ex wives. Common, Reader, you could do better than that! “

5 thoughts on “Reader asks how can newcomers make Ridgewood great again?

  1. Q: How can newcomers make Ridgewood great again?
    A: Leave

  2. Hang out with Gwen

  3. When someone mentions paul aronsohn spit on the ground and say oh that guy

  4. Ask the 3 amigos about avacados

  5. Ask people if one of the former council members did porn ?

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