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Reader asks What would the Readers want the Village Council to look for when hiring the new Village Manager?


Reader asks What would the Readers want the Village Council to look for when hiring the new Village Manager?

Reader :The residents should not worry about nepotism in this town. They should worry about politic cronyism.

Reader: I would like to see someone who is not affiliated with any member of the Council past or present.

Reader:Cronyism is partiality to long-standing friends, especially by appointing them to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications. Hence, cronyism is contrary in practice and principle to meritocracy. Lets see who this Concile appoints as the Village Manager

18 thoughts on “Reader asks What would the Readers want the Village Council to look for when hiring the new Village Manager?

  1. The new VM should have some sort of financial background but more importantly a strong municipal of county background. Running a municipality is a complete different animal then the corporate world. Federal, state and county laws and reg. if not known will cost taxpayers . This position in not for “On the job training” Then you have Government employes labor law. These law and reg are not something you pick up in a few months.

  2. The last guy had previous experience and he still scewed up royally.

  3. You right # 2 so lets get someone with no experience and let them do “On the job training” is that the answer? I don’t think this Council wants to repeat the same mistake but really some one from corporate with no government experience running this town with it complex problems is not the answer..

  4. some one that is for ridgewood service’s.

  5. For what it worth The new Village Manage should not be a village resident. It is true that being a resident such as police and fireman does provide an advantage to the resident. In this case a Village Manger who has been or is a resident is a disadvantage to the taxpayers. They come into this position with preconceived ideas right or wrong and friendships. The next Village manager should be transparent with no ties. The new hire should required to move to town . I want a manager with a clean slate and not beholding to anyone or any group. We need a fresh clean face with our Village Manager.

  6. The new Village Manger should hire more DPW workers.

  7. #3 the point of my post is that just because someone has experience doesn’t mean he can’t screw up.

  8. #7 I understand and so true.

  9. The new village manager should be prohibited from holding a job as a manager in another town at the same time.
    The new manager should also be prohibited from holding elective office in any town.
    We need someone to dedicate 100% of their time to this place, not be a mayor of another town or a part time manager elsewhere

  10. Not someone involved in local politics or with ties to any of the council. Nice dream but we hear the fix is alreadyb in.

  11. The decision was made weeks ago. Announcement coming soon. Didn’t you read Aronsohn’s last column?

  12. I can’t believe these three. We the residents can not take two more years of this. No wounder they were stalling everything. We have to get these three out of office as soon as we can.

  13. Yes I heard that to ,some woman from the Westside.

  14. Well after watching this weeks council meeting I thought thing were going to smooth. Now the plans are reveled. the council is going to look like hero’s by putting more cops on and making a school resource officer. All of this was this is a smoke screen. They are going to make these two candidates re interview with their hand pick village manager. What do you think she is going to do. Fail one or both on the interview and call for a new list. What a disgrace these three are. They will stop at nothing to get their revenge.

  15. I hope he or she under stands that all dept’s are so under staff . and it’s time to hire.

  16. he or she need’s to know what all dept’s do. not like the last bum.

  17. If they chose someone without any government experience, then all he or she will need to know is what the amigos want.

  18. can they remove the snow piles in the parking lots. no parking.

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