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Reader asks When are we going to start holding parents accountable for their kids

cell phones

A very good point was made by Fishbein, he and his administration are responsible for monitoring a powerful device that is put in the students hands (smartphone) by the parents. When are we going to start holding parents accountable for their kids and what they do? Also, I have heard so many complaints of the BOE not doing their jobs in taking a stand (which I highly disagree with – my kids who are at 3 different schools in the district have been coming home talking about their bully – HIB presentations since I can remember), but I have yet to hear anyone come forward with what they think should or can be done in addition to what is already being done. Anyone? I bet if more parents were policing their kids and their phones, this would help the administration A LOT. They can’t’ do it alone, and they shouldn’t be held entirely accountable for 6,000 kids and their actions. This is a group effort people. Teaching our kids accountability for their OWN actions is an amazing life lesson. Placing blame has not benefit to anyone – not helpful.

5 thoughts on “Reader asks When are we going to start holding parents accountable for their kids

  1. Parents could get a pretty good hold on all of this if once in a while they would sift through their children’s text message and email strings, twitter feeds, Facebook pages etc. and acting swiftly on whatever they find that is inappropriate.

  2. We as a society have mostly rejected the principle of individual responsibility. The parents suing are supposedly conservative. Hypocrisy? As the reader suggests, maybe the parents should stop trying to find their Chi and engage in the daily grind of parenting their kids. Another thought: one way to greatly reduce the incidence of cyber-bullying is to NOT post or send nude selfies. Is it snapchat’s fault? Hard to see how.

  3. Agree %100 Steve.

  4. 11:47 – please tell me why you put the percent sign in front of a number…my old boss did that and it made me batshit crazy.

  5. Ok I don’t want to make you batshit crazy so I stand corrected 100%. Happy Thankgiving

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