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Reader says Houston..we have a SPENDING problem

cottage_place BOE_theridgewioodblog

The cash river spend-a thon that has been flowing downhill from the VC on Raised Garage Bonding ,,centralized parking valets ala carte , skyjacking the parking rates and times ….blow up the train station parking for invisible compact cars that don’t exist in the
1000 dollar permit club up there …has everyone muscling in on the spend a thon…including rumors of a PAC no less..
Can’t make this up….meantime castle homes up in highlands are not selling and prices soft…Ie Tax re-evaluations requests for tax rate adjustments to come..
less cash in the VOR ACCOUNTS..PERFECT STORM..PS SCHOOL BUDGET 110 Million and growing . Houston..we have a problem ….reply : RESTRAINT ..voyagers..

2 thoughts on “Reader says Houston..we have a SPENDING problem

  1. *sigh*
    When are you going to get it?.
    We are RICH and STUPID.

  2. We AREN’T either rich or stupid. We merely voted for a rich and stupid council which was the only option offered. They assume the residents are “RICH and STUPID” because THE COUNCIL MEMBERS all appear to be deaf, dumb, and blind to any opposition against them.

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