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Reader says Increasing taxes is not the answer – finding better leadership is


Reader says Increasing taxes is not the answer – finding better leadership is

People it’s time to learn how to do more with less – just like the rest of the economy has since the recession. The Mayor and his team have failed miserably at providing basic services. Walk around today and witness icy streets and abandoned trash strewn in snow banks that still protrude into intersections. Increasing taxes is not the answer – finding better leadership is.

How about the overpaid employees learn to do more with less.
Pay your own health care.
Pay your own 401K.
Take a pay cut.
Amend your union contracts.
Don’t like the above? Get replaced by contractors. Low bidder gets the job. (its not rocket science to plow snow, fill potholes, push leaves, or pick up garbage).

4 thoughts on “Reader says Increasing taxes is not the answer – finding better leadership is

  1. Better leadership is not the answer. We have a system that is broken. No matter who gets elected, they are basically faced with a set of bankrupt books. We seem to apply the same logic to our Federal officials. Folks, the money is gone. It’s not only gone, but we owe trillions. The people who get elected these days are the simply the most gifted liars. They are telling you want you want to hear.

  2. so what you think we should get rid of the paid fire dept and the union contract.
    and what about the police union contract. ok good luck.

  3. Lets raise the taxes on the rich on all levels. If you make more then 250 K combined you pay more property taxes.

  4. #3 Hope you are kidding – Anyone that makes more than 250K is already paying your tab. Raise taxes on these people and they leave. Look around at other states that would just love to have them spreading the wealth in towns in their state. would be a good place to start if you haven’t heard of it already.

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