Reader says Obamacare is not the freebie the millennial generation thought it would be
The general view of many was that it would be the “affordable” alternative to expensive or no insurance. It turned out to not be the case.
The millennial generation may have supported it in principal, but have discovered it’s not the freebie they thought it would be.
That generation just don’t like paying for anything, and will stay on their parents plan until 26, after which, they will simply ignore it.
Who said it was a freebie?
Not me.
The ACA is simply an impossible sell to Millennials. Those that are past the 26 parents plan cut-off, will simply ignore it as they feel physically invincible, and just won’t pay for something that is both expensive and in their mind, un-needed. These Millennials will cheer Obama on all the way, but enter their CC information, no way.
That what happens when you vote for a community organizer masquerading as a ‘rock star’.
Worst President since Jimmy Carter.
Worst president INCLUDING Jimmy Carter
I also believe that the most vocal proponents of Obamacare are the very ones who won’t actually need it or use it. These are the elitists, the comfortably-off, upper-middle class. The other kind of Democrats are the ones who want it, but clearly misunderstood what it really was going to be. There was clearly this false impression that it was going to be some kind of free-ish nationalized healthcare, which would be something similar to European healthcare for all.
It is their own fault that they thought it was free. Younger people do not read the papers or watch news programs. They are willfully uninformed. They get their info from each other and social media. It leaves a lot to be desired.