“As a proud American, most of us will vote for Mr. Trump a.k.a. the President of the United States of America the best country in the world. If you don’t like it you do have the right to leave and move anywhere you would like good luck to you. I’m staying. Be proud be strong get out and vote very important in 2020 it’s our future. Stop listening to the hippies smoking too much marijuana.
Thank you very much. “
It’s hilarious what people write when they crack open the 2nd fifth of Stoli.
Trump 2020. MAGA.
okay boomer
you’d better leave NJ….
Now that the election is over, Murphy is pushing his agenda again:
– Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens
– Legalize Marijuana
– Raise Sales Tax (and other taxes)
– etc…
Rog, you proved your own point.
I will vote for Trump in 2020. Now that Michael Bloomberg might run for president boy.
In defense of the boomer …Ok Peter Pan Pan
The “Devils Weed’ is poison to minds.
The “Devil Weed” poisons minds.
When he is voted out (or impeached) does everyone get to come back and you leave?
Most of us will not vote for Trump but unless he’s impeached he’s going to win the 2020 election because of the electoral college. Uh boy.
“When he is voted out (or impeached) does everyone get to come back and you leave?”
“Most of us will not vote for Trump but unless he’s impeached he’s going to win the 2020 election because of the electoral college. Uh boy.”
Two examples of delusional optimistic thinking.
Trump will not be impeached (everyone knows this is a political scam) and will win in a major landslide in 2020.
The REAL question is what will happen in 2024…
This is hysterical. Bring back the hippies! We were happy then.
The delusion is not recognizing that the man is out if his mind. Same for his idiot sons and daughter.
Some Dummy Said, The delusion is not recognizing that the man is out if his mind. Same for his idiot sons and daughter.
HA HA HA that’s funny. The only thing Trump is out of is the control of the wacky DemocRATS.
I’m going to stop listening to old white dudes shitting their pants because they can’t fathom not having preferential treatment over everyone else in the country (the author of this post).
Also, regardless of your political affiliation, Trump is a fucking idiot that endangers our livelihood on the regular.
guess you dont have a job ?, and when you do things might change