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Reader says, “The 9/11 terrorists were able to live in neighborhoods and hatch their dangerous plots because they knew neighbors ignore neighbors”

"Our Gang" aka The Little Rascals"

“The fact that neighbors are no longer neighborly, that we cannot knock on a neighbor’s door; that we do not know our neighbors is very different from many years ago when neighborhoods were friendly; times have indeed changed. The situation now is dangerous. The 9/11 terrorists were able to live in neighborhoods and hatch their dangerous plots because they knew neighbors ignore neighbors.

Also, neighbors not knowing and being unfriendly to neighbors, increases social isolation; very dangerous because teens more likely to take drugs and alcohol when they alienated, and they will feel alienated in an unfriendly neighborhood.

The above comment about hate is what America does not need. Again it stems from alienation. The comment is an example of social media bullying”

10 thoughts on “Reader says, “The 9/11 terrorists were able to live in neighborhoods and hatch their dangerous plots because they knew neighbors ignore neighbors”

  1. Oh, please! This came from the social misfit who called the cops on some kids having a perfectly legal party but did knock on the door because he was afraid of confrontation.

  2. I’m your new inconsiderate neighbor.
    I moved here even though I really can’t afford to thanks to a low down payment 30 year loan. I’m temporary. I’ll be treading water financially for 10 years until my youngest graduates RHS, then bail out back to NYC (after voting to raise your school taxes yearly)
    Since I have now arrived in paradise, you will have to put up with me, my inconsiderate attitude, and subsidize my school age children
    My kids can make all the amplified noise that they call music.
    I cut down all the trees in my yard because I felt like it along with the privacy hedges.
    I put my leaves in the street whenever I want.
    I water my lawn whenever I want.
    I park my car overnight in the street because I want to. Who cares if the street sweeper can’t clean, and the snow plows can’t plow…but don’t ticket ME for overtime parking in the. CBD.
    My dog is no longer important since I have kids and I allow it to bark all day outside because I am too self centered to care.
    I join the parade of SUVs at the elementary schools, and could care less about blocking traffic. No parking? Not me… I’m entitled because I’m me.
    I demand 25 mph speed limits in town, but RPD better not give ME a ticket when I am speeding on the way to lunch, or making a left turn into the Starbucks drive through .
    And if you disagree, I’ll accuse you of social media bullying.

  3. Somebody is off their meds.

  4. The second comment appears to be from the same guy who called the cops. Off his meds? No, but he needs to be prescribed some.

  5. The “I’m your new inconsiderate neighbor.” poster is SPOT ON.

  6. The “I’m your new inconsiderate neighbor.” poster is THE SAME GUY trying to pretend he’s someone else supporting his comment. Pathetic.

  7. No d-bag I was not the one who called the cops or supporting a comment.

  8. LOL with all the hateful comments; it shows how neighborly you are.

    Hey, It is not ME who came up with the idea that terrorists can have a field day in our neighborhoods due to the unfriendliness; it is the brilliant sociologists , who have said this on the news and in the newspapers. If I had thought of this idea or researched an studied it and reported it , I would be too busy and important to be putzing around on this blog.

    Most of my comments on this blog come from what I have read and heard on major TV networks. Nothing original, guys. I only wish.

  9. “The “I’m your new inconsiderate neighbor.” poster is THE SAME GUY trying to pretend he’s someone else supporting his comment. Pathetic.”
    No he’s not..
    Nice try though.
    He must have described you perfectly.

  10. Must be hard work taking care of two little dogs. Pathetic manchild.

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