As I have said here several times: The village, in the voice of the Village Manager, admitted on April 6, 2016 that we do not have a parking crisis, we have a parking surplus, we have more spots than we have demand for: https://youtu.be/iyufI5C3gKU?t=1h14m
So we know from the facts any garage is all about high density housing led by the local developer. Without it, the over development of Ridgewood cannot happen by this developer and his cohorts who own property at key intersections. Without over development the property owners and this local developer, who paid a lot for the land, cannot make money. They need to develop the lots past what parking on the property supports to maximize rental revenue. The former mayor, former village manager and the local developer lie about Brogan and Ken Smith parking spaces needing to be replaced, spots that are not a part of the village’s parking inventory. The former mayor and former village manager let the Hudson Street lot fall into disrepair, then said in a video paid for with tax dollars, that neglect was a main reason to build a $12m garage.
The garage is the Trojan Horse. The village admits, we don’t need more parking, we don’t even utilize what we have. Higher density, higher congestion, higher fees, and easier profits for the local developer paid for with tax dollars.
When the now ex-village manager says in a propaganda video we have a parking crisis, but her own analysis says we have a surplus, we know there is no crisis.
Woman’s house of detention with Sooks and Bamboo house take out for the Guards..a disgraceful waste of taxpayers assets .Very Expensive Lesson.PAVE& Re-line THAT
In a town where quarter boy got away without any time, you know the developers were behind the whole garage fiasco. I have hope that our new officials will work hard to preserve Ridgewood as a charming village not a new version of Hackensack or Montclair. Self serving developers – where do they live?!?
Essential to understand that everything proposed and pushed for under the Aronsohn regime, including his years on the council before becoming mayor, and no doubt before he ran in the first place shortly after moving here, was a Lego block in his long game to power. All along he was advised by paid marketing professionals who cared nothing for the populace but were paid to further one person’s career (sound like the Bridgegate trials?).The connections, machinations, and deals could fill a book. It’s left to us to disentangle what happened and to rescind and nullify any progress made in that direction, because it never corresponded with what was best for our village.
He was and still is a dirtbag.
He’s still a dirtbag all right. Still trying to discredit our mayor and negatively influence our council. Only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore loser who is a dirtbag.
Previous mayor has gone on record about how much he dislikes Governor Christie. Does he not realize that he acts exactly the same, only playing with smaller chips? Look in the mirror.
Arohnson has left us a blight that needs to be remediated now. Go to the planning board meeting – – write the town council. But speak up today before the Aronson projects are approved and built. Do you really want to look at the cover of the Ridgewood news six months or a year from now and see a picture of Aronson’s smug face sneering at you as he stands in front of the “Aronson Arms Apartments” or whatever moniker the land speculators are going to give their new buildings in tribute to their friend who enabled them to build?