I am not sure what you are arguing here? Chestnut Village and the one discussed here (KS broad street) are zoned Ridge. Dayton (down Broad) is zoned Orchard and the Enclave on Maple is zoned Sommerville. That said, the district has said it has the power to redistrict at any point.
The town has not cared about the chaos at Ridge for as long as I have lived here…done nothing about it….all of a sudden 80 new apartments is hardly going to cause anyone to care.??.
Why redistrict now?
See how many students enroll at Willard. They may be able to absorb
@10:43, but understand Willard is technically not zoned for any of the apartments. So if you did send them to Willard, which I have no issue with, that is technically rezoning/redistricting. I think it is fair to say, one specific school will
NOT shoulder the full burden of this while others sit half-full. If here is pain, it will be distributed and this is what fishbein has said on the record.
What schools do you think are half full?
What district is downtown ridgewood zoned for? There is an apt building bt the train station. Where do those students go? Where do the students neat the YMCA go?
But.. but… Arohnson, Saraceno and co said the new apartments will only lead to 2 or 3 extra students, so this discussion is moot.
I, do try and keep up. First, the whole point of the post is that the burden can and will be distributed. Anyone who thinks, oh thank goodness we won’t be impacted is wrong.
That said, All the questions you’ve asked are in the original post. Class sizes have been enlarged for budget reason, but many schools do in fact have classrooms for new sections should they be needed. That is how full day k is happening. Financially speaking though, ouch. Those new students will cost.
Of course the district can re-assign students at any moment, and of course they are going to have to once the reality of all these new students hits home. Do you seriously think the developers are not going to market these apartments to young families with children? And, if you were a family of any age, wouldn’t you go for the cheapest way to obtain the best education for your family.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. And when he was mayor, he went out of his way to give away the Village to others.
The apartment projects are going to attract good solid people, just like those who built the Village and those who work so hard to maintain the quality of life. But, people beget more people, and that’s the fact of life. Its not that we don’t want these people, in our Village – – we absolutely do. Its just that we can’t afford that many new people. We don’t want this number of new people.
The Aronson projects will bring in 300 to 400 families when all is said and done. You can expect your taxes to go up to take care of their schooling, lights for their roads, water & sewage infrastructure improvements, etc.
And now that this round of housing is done – – look for the developers to buy up more properties and say they should be able to build the same number of units. And ask this council what the hell it is doing to stop this nonsense, now that the word is out it is easy pickings for developers to zero in on Ridgewood.
Bingo @ 6:40.
Section 8 housing… wait for it