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Reader says , “This place has changed dramatically. And not for the better”


“This is not the Great Village of Ridgewood anymore. This place has changed dramatically. And not for the better. We all told you you just wait and see until all this new housing is done. Then you’re going to see the characters walking around. Boy oh boy you will see. You will experience things that you never seen in the village. It’s going to look like Hackensack, Paterson, barrage long as it doesn’t look like Hamden that shit hole. Things you will see. !!!!

1—- nutty people walking around
2—— nutty people peeing all over the CBD.
3—— nutty people pooping all around the CBD.
4—— nutty people stealing throughout the village.
5—— nutty people bothering other individuals throughout the village.
6—— nutty people taking naps throughout the village.
7—— nutty people walking around drinking doing drugs disorderly so one .
8——Nutty people Looking for handouts panhandling. Oh yes.”


26 thoughts on “Reader says , “This place has changed dramatically. And not for the better”

  1. Today Sunday Oct 4 i saw middle aged man mid day laying on sidewalk
    Next to starbucks in front of paint store 12:30 afternoon

    Backpack looking strung out like a nyc or newark panhandler…

    Build it and they will come

  2. Well done Democratic Ridgewood council and mayor! This tolerance and encouragement of everything anti-social is certain to bring in that recovery.

  3. Excuse me recovery there’s no recovery yet we are not out of the woods yet. Look what’s going on in New York City 25 miles away by Wednesday then may be another shut down. The mayor and council needs to get ready for the next wave because it may just come so we need to be prepared not do these things last minute and panic. That’s all let’s do the best we can.

  4. You’re comparing us to NYC? NYC was well into deep shit before Covid. Have you seen the stats on NYC real estate? The city was in great condition until the loony left took control under BdB. It is now a urine soaked shit hole.

  5. Not sure about who is to blame for allowing crimes but maybe we should all start by working together to improve the neighborhood we live in. It’s easy to blame the left or the right but what really counts is what we do collectively to improve our living conditions in the area. Any ideas?

  6. Broken windows policing

  7. I’m sure you offered him a cup of coffee or an offer of help.

  8. Any ideas? Let’s all sing Cumbayá and everything will be great.

  9. What happens in RDWD is symptomatic of entire nation. Good times rolled, irresponsible spending followed, conservative officials were replaced with liberal one who spend more generously, shitshow emerged as lib pet projects destroyed old institutions but failed to replace the with (promised) better ones.

    Next chapter in this drama is people across both isles waking up to what transpired and adopting conservative policies. Towns (and states) that do that fastest get a head start to recovery. I see signs of that in RDWD already. 2 new BoE members, raising urgent issues. I hope the trend will accelerate and we get more conservative voices in village admin soon.

    Prior mistakes can be resolved. Fill new housing with downsizing retirees and educated families who want to try the village before buying. Ensure affordable housing units go to hand-picked middle class families that value education and want to raise healthy, productive kids more than they want to buy big screen TVs and lux cars. Empower RDWD PD to clean out the trash, starting with the local BLM /antifa chapter. And we’ll do well.

  10. You think it’s bad now? Give it a year or two. You haven’t seen anything yet. Wait until all the shops and restaurants go out of business

  11. There may still be Democrats, but there no longer is a Democrat Party.
    The current Democrat-In-Name-Only party is now the Socialist Party of America.

  12. You all Ridgewood & Bergen County Voted for Hillary last time around. Better Vote Trump this time around. He repealed the DUMB Progressive Obama Biden federal statue that forces low income housing into suburban America. The democrats have divided American their Faux Russian HOAX and Mueller investion. All a shame and waste of tax payer dollars and for what, to spread HATRED! Trump is NOT the racist, liberals are!!! If you think voting Biden will solve this I have a planet in our solar system to sell you

  13. Knudsen is a Republican . . . DUH.

  14. Better Vote Trump this time around. He repealed the Progressive Obama Biden federal statue that forces low income housing into suburban America. The democrats have divided American their Faux Russian HOAX and Mueller investion. All a shame and waste of tax payer dollars and for what, to spread HATRED! Trump is NOT the racist, liberals are!!! If you think voting Biden will solve this I have a planet in our solar system to sell you

  15. The only solution I see to the homeless/low income people breathing ridgewood air problem is to just stay inside your house and pout like a child there maybe? At home you could at least pretend they don’t exist vs having basic social awareness/empathy?

  16. Maybe now the police can be police again and “Protect and Serve” the public instead of “Chase and Cite” the working class with BS tickets for money like the infamous scam “seat belt law”. It’s a shame their job has become chasing drivers around for money. .
    I doubt that’s what they signed up for when they became police officers. They’ve become just another gang on the streets we try to avoid.

  17. “Fill new housing with downsizing retirees and educated families who want to try the village before buying“.
    What? Nobody’s “trying” anything.
    And what the F*&k Do you mean by “Ensure affordable housing units go to hand-picked middle class families that value education and want to raise healthy, productive kids more than they want to buy big screen TVs and lux cars”.
    Hand picked?
    Who made you the deciding factor?

  18. I grew up in Ridgewood and left In 2014 after my dad was struck and killed by a drunk driver and since he was well connected in the town (scott kuntz) he got off without even getting a ticket. I could tell the town my parents had grown up in and raised me in was not the same safe haven I thought it was. When personal interests outweigh the safety of the citizens, no one wins. I have a master’s degree in education and I own my own company now in A sleepy little quiet California town and I am sitting here looking at Ridgewoods problems and trying not to laught. It never was as good as you all thought it was that illusion was long shattered. There is a reason after 8th grade my parents chose to pull me and enroll me in privite school. That was back in 1999 and already the school system was a joke. I remeber countless spelling and grammar errors on letters sent home to us at Ridge and GW.
    Glad to see you have all seen through the rose colored window that is Ridgewood. Welcome to the enlightened, we’ve got jackets made 🙂

  19. The high density developments are not complete yet and still empty. Wait until they get filled with families and then you will see the real change. You will hate it but I hope the woke crowd will enjoy the new sh!thole they all missed when moving from the city to RW.

  20. In a few years, millennials of all races will be protesting for tax reparations and more police.

  21. Ridgewood was great. No more. It is irreversible. Basically, the whole place was “cashed in” by a group of opportunists. If you are still a home owner and think you’re still sitting on hot Ridgewood real estate, you are living in Lar Lar land.

  22. Wyckoff not far behind

  23. The crazy thing is, the Woke crowd are about to do this on the national level by voting in Biden after 4 years of propaganda where they have been conditioned to believe Trump is a big meanie.

  24. With the exodus from New Jersey as a whole, why don’t people find the next great “Ridgewood Village” someplace else?

  25. Have to leave area after 60 years. Property taxes, “moderation ” & local disrespect for every other thing (elderly and infirmed) & traffic laws. Passed on both Glen Ave. & Maple while doing speed limit. Have had landscaping companies & who ever the company ZOOM are race the streets. Keep your kids alive and find another place to live.

  26. Ah Yes, all of the above….
    And then there’s that white elephant empty garage that may never open the upper floors except that it’s probably the new gathering place for all of the abusers cited in this blog.

    Welcome to the new Ridgewood- too, too many empty storefronts in the CBD , a new empty garage, 3 or 4 newly constructed soon to stay empty apartment buildings and more new empty storefronts on Franklin.

    But, all is not so bad – we now have new entertainment – in the form of those fun BLM protests led by the stay-at-home with their parents pansies and belly boy, and if that isn’t fun enough, we get the special treat of groups of kids with their bikes getting off the train and doing their wheelies in our neighborhoods, in the CBD, and on our busy streets.

    NJ Transit will soon be expanding their service to Ridgewood. It’s the new fun place to be.

    What did I forget????

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