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Reader says ,”Voting by an electronic device in person is pretty much effective in being fraud-free “


“Voting by an electronic device in person is pretty much effective in being fraud-free.
Voting by mail involves so much that is susceptible to fraud. The main two are:
1. Who knows if the mail-in ballot was completed by the person on the form?
2. The form is opened by a election official. Who know if that official is honest? Who knows if they discard or alter any forms that don’t go with the party/candidate that they favor?

The MSM will tell you that there’s no evidence that mail-in voting involves fraud. Of course they will say that. The fact is, it’s never been truly investigated, or more likely, it is done so effectively that no-one else is aware of it. What I always find hilarious are these neck and neck recounts where all of a sudden, they announce that another batch of ballots have “been found”. “

One thought on “Reader says ,”Voting by an electronic device in person is pretty much effective in being fraud-free “

  1. All lives matter

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