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Reader says , “Well, ain’t that typical of entitled people. I want what I want and I am entitled to whatever I want “


Well, ain’t that typical of entitled people. I want what I want and I am entitled to whatever I want , even if I have to stop the rotation of the planet to get it.

Hey BOE how about a little humility. We have great laws in the USA , how about respecting them. If things don’t work out perfectly have a little perspective. I mean you ran once, you won, so run again if you have to, and see if you can win on your merits, on what the public thinks of your record so far. The proper way to look at the situation is for YOU to see it as an interesting challenge. I mean SHAME ON YOU. What kind of example are you setting for the children. Learning to accept disappointment is part of life. And this is no major disappointment. So your term is cut short, so what, it is not a death sentence. AND THAT IS HOW YOU ARE TREATING IT. What are you teaching the kids; ya know what, you are teaching the children that when they receive life’s inevitable disappointments and they don’t get their way, instead of sucking it up and moving on, maybe they should take drugs and pain killers to kill their emotional pain. You BOE people are despicable.

One thought on “Reader says , “Well, ain’t that typical of entitled people. I want what I want and I am entitled to whatever I want “

  1. Excellent post. Spot on…

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