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Readers takes issue with the “Ridgewood Moms” Facebook group

ridgewood moms

Usually Rurik is to be totally ignored, but let’s address one thing he spoke about last night.He touted the benefits and wonders of the Ridgewood moms and dads page. The one stop place for information on all local happenings.

Except if you happen to be anyone with an opinion that differs from the site moderator who happens to do the bidding of our village manger, Rurik and a few others who are like minded.The moderator pergolas has ties to other local organizations which would benefit from keeping only one side of the story visible to as many residents as he can reach.

So, say you are someone who should want to post any opposing view of Rurik, or post factual information about something like say, the petition, your post is deleted and you’re removed from the site. Some people may get a warning that their many neighbors are complaining about them- probably not- and you’re allowed to reapply for admission to censorship central at a later time.

The moderator of the site that Halaby finds so helpful, is censoring what a good portion of Ridgewood residents see. Some people don’t know there are other places to go to get a well balanced view of town happenings.Just figured it should be put out there.

The moderator and his wife are all easily enough found out off of this blog. All easily looked up.

He deletes immediately and removes the comments of, anyone who dares to speak out against the council majority. He thr. Sends messages to the offenders which are sometimes direct quotes from Roberta.
Unfortunately a lot of new people to town, or people not as aware as others, use that site as a place for legit information.
That man has set himself up as the censor for Ridgewood.Unacceptable.

25 thoughts on “Readers takes issue with the “Ridgewood Moms” Facebook group

  1. Wow the tentacles of the Council Majority and the Queen Bee are far reaching. The Ridgewood News, The Record and now this. Stay strong Ridgewood Blog.

  2. That group was originally created by a real estate agent to find new clients. It has gotten overly complicated to moderate. It’s not easy to moderate a group. So, don’t blame the guy who is doing it for free.

  3. Is it true that the moderator’s spouse is either employed by The RIdgewood Chamber of Commerce, or sits on their executive board?

  4. 8:40am – yes – looks like she is listed as board of directors –

  5. The guy who is doing it for free?? Yeah right. He’s getting plenty out of it AND his motivation is poor.
    Censorship at its best.
    His own wife could t take it any more, expressed actual concern that it would hurt her professionally, removed his last name from her Facebook profile, and then took herself out of the equation. Gave the whole thing to him where it has become a playground for Rurik, and Roberta. And the moderator is their little mouthpiece.
    His repeated removal of anyone that won’t get on Board with his line of thinking (i.e. The council majority line of thinking) is absurd.
    He sends people messages direct from Roberta- he doesn’t even bother to take them out of her voice. Just copy and paste.
    That site has got to go. Too many people don’t know enough to look elsewhere for information.

  6. Yup, she sure is. The “moderator” of the group does not moderate, he actively censors.

  7. The Moderator’s affiliation with the Chamber and the documented reports of contrary opinions being taken down take some credibility away from the Facebook Group. Always good to know where the potential biases are. While this Blog gets a little rough and tumble at times, at least we know that all opinions tend to get posted.

  8. I’m lucky, I never joined Facebook (and never will).

  9. Im with you 10:33

  10. What is this people, high school?

  11. Maybe it should be changed from Moms and dads to Pravda

  12. Ridgewood Moms and Dads sucks. The guy in charge is obnoxious in his censorship. He clearly loves certain people and will not tolerate others.

    The Blog on the other hand posts all sides. James posts messages that criticize him regularly.. He posts from Rurik, John V, and other contrarians. The Blog is the most honest site you will find.

    Long live the blog!

  13. Seriously, 1:03. But let’s be straight. We could all do without Rurik and John V.

  14. Comrade Jane Petrov would be proud.

  15. You do not have to join if you don’t want to. The moderator has explained rules from time to time. They are posted but no one reads them. He seems fair in his moderator role.

    People comment and share information while being identifiable. No one seems afraid to state an unpopular opinion.

    You can also start your own group and see if anyone is interested in joining you.

  16. Yeah. Ok 3:54. Any chance you moderate a Ridgewood fb group??

  17. 4:41.. how ’bout you? set it up.

  18. OMG James… that picture… I’m still afraid to use wire hangers….

    1. everybody’s favorite mom lol

  19. 1:03pm-
    Agreed re: James. Has pretty much always posted my comments even when directly critical of him or others. Appreciate it.

  20. 2:26pm-
    Rurik’s comments are often bizarre. He also seems like kind of an ass.
    Hopefully not too many lump me in with him…

  21. The moderator of the Ridgewood Moms and Dads FB group just banned one of the No on BCIA supporters this week.
    S. showed me his private messages with the moderator. Reasons for banning were pretty lame.
    The FB group really mostly good for Yelp-like advice on stuff….

  22. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. 7:01. “Hopefully not too many lump me in with him…”

  23. Start a new group called, “Ridgewood Moms & Dads 2.0”

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