Readers not very forgiving of BOE lack of Action in at lest voicing skepticism and Protecting Students of BF and Travell .
So sad that The Record (in an article posted to its website today) is trying to make it seem like Sheila Brogan (the Ridgewood Board of Education President) is happy about the Planning Board decision. She actively helped Valley Hospital by claiming that the massive 6-10 year construction proposed by Valley would have no impact on the education of Ridgewood students at the B.F. Middle School right next door to Valley. We won’t forget, Sheila.
Her testimony was disappointing and was not in line with the BOEs fiduciary duty to protect the students. Forget about the construction period, the final product of a 94 foot tall building and a building moved over next to BF on top of the current parking lot would impact the students forever. And the track and field participants.
Please explain how her saying “construction would have no impact on the education of kids at B.F and Travell” shows that she means well? If you’re saying she “meant” to help Valley, then I understand. But having BF and Travell kids go thru 6 years of construction doesn’t indicate that she means well. Remember this at election time ,br><br?>
Well what do you expect.
This is the same Sheila and the same BOE that is embracing Common Core (when EVEN Democrats and other Boards of Education) are fighting it since it is so bad) and the same Sheila who almost single handedly destroyed RW’s Math programs.
Tradition of Excellence?
Tradition – yes
Excellence – not any more.
After watching her performance at the PB meeting I would say it’s time for her to pack it in. That was pathetic, and I don’t even have a child in any of the schools.
It is well past time for her to go.
It was all about money:
Did anyone read the Bergen Record Letter to the Editor from an angry Valley supporter? She seems to hate her fellow Ridgewood residents.
#1, if you have a problem with the CCSS you need to talk to your Republican Governor. Local School Boards have zero control over this so do a little research before you personally attack someone.
Yes, the Board of Ed got a good taste of the Valley Kool Aid in exchange for its tacit approval of the expansion plan. Valley clearly spread money around wherever it could but still couldn’t put enough lipstick on that pig of a project of theirs to convince the Planning Board.
As for Ms. Brogan – this would have been a good week to have been out of town and unavailable for comment.
Brogans time has come and gone.
Watched her demean the BOE before the PB. Watched Valley attorney excitedly include her statements in his unexpected final slide show. Appalling all around.
Like all political animals, seems like Sheila likes to avoid controversy wherever possible, whether it be caving in to teachers’ union demands, talking out of both sides of her mouth on the Valley expansion, or overseeing the decline of our public school system in all of the NJ rankings. The fact that she was willing to sell a whole generation of Travell and BF students down the river speaks volumes about what’s important to her. And then to claim she was pleased with the PB vote? Probably something to consider at the next BOE elections?
I really don’t think she would have the nerve to run again.